Page 16 - E-module IC Reading
P. 16
Although semi-feral, the cats on Aoshima are used to human visitors. Thanks to
the recent boom in publicity, it’s not unusual to find a crowd of tourists attempting
to befriend the kitties. Luckily, with over 100 felines living on the island, you won’t
have to compete too hard for their affection! [3]
These fluffballs will happily play with you and let you take photos in return for
food and your undivided attention. There is a designated feeding area near the
island’s community center, just a couple of minutes’ walk from the port, so if you
wish to feed the cats please only do so at this location. [4]
Aoshima is not designed for tourists, and there are no hotels, restaurants, shops
or even vending machines on the island. Visitors should bring their own food and
drink, and take all their garbage home with them. Most of the people living on
Aoshima are elderly, so please be respectful of the residents – both human and
feline – during your visit. [5]
(252 words, adapted from “Aoshima (Cat Island)”,
(A number is provided at the end of each paragraph for ease of reference.)
To check whether or not you understand the description and the vocabulary used in the
passage, answer the comprehension questions and do the vocabulary work below.
A. Comprehension
Answer the following questions briefly.
1. What would be the suitable title for the passage?
2. Why is Aoshima called “Cat Island”?
3. What was the initial purpose of keeping cats in the island?
4. Can people give the cats food wherever they meet them? Why/why not?
5. What are people supposed to do when they visit the island?