Page 131 - hakka 2025
P. 131


            Glutinous Rice Stuffed Bitter Gourd

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredients
            苦瓜                 350克                            350 grams bitter gourd
            一刀落猪肉              150克                            150 grams one cut of pork

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            糯米                 100克                            100 grams glutinous rice
            白眉豆                 50克                            50 grams white beans
            香菇粒                 20克                            20 grams diced mushrooms
            葱白                  10克                            10 grams white part of green onions
            二汤                 500克                            500 grams light broth

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            食盐                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon salt
            味精                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon MSG
            胡椒粉                1茶匙                             1 teaspoon white ground pepper

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  将糯米、白眉豆提前浸泡直到变软,捞起沥干水                          1.  Soak the glutinous rice and white beans in water in
                分备用。将一刀落猪肉切成粒状。将锅烧热,把                             advance until they become soft, then drain and set
                切好的猪肉粒煸出油脂和香味。接着放入香菇煸                             aside. Cut the pork into small pieces. Heat the wok
                                                                  and stir fry the pork pieces until the fat is rendered
                炒,加入调味炒香后关火。再把浸泡好的白眉豆                             and the aroma is released. Next, add the diced mush-
                和糯米倒入锅中,趁热搅拌均匀,制成馅料。                              rooms and stir fry briefly, add seasoning, then turn
            2.  将苦瓜切成5厘米筒状,去瓤。将锅烧热,倒入                             off the heat. While still hot, add the soaked glutinous
                清水并煮沸,将苦瓜放入中焯烫,捞出后迅速过                             rice  and white  beans to the wok and mix well to
                冷水,沥干备用。馅料灌塞苦瓜酿制,用不黏锅                             make the filling.
                煎制,两端煎成金黄色待用。                                  2.  Cut the bitter gourd into 5 cm segments and remove
            3.  将煎好的酿苦瓜直立在高压煲内,注入二汤,上                             the seeds. Heat the pot, pour in water, and bring it
                                                                  to a boil. Blanch the bitter gourd segments in boiling
                汽后转小火高压焖煮12分钟。关火,待自然落气                            water, then immediately remove and cool them in
                后,开盖即可。                                           cold water. Drain and set aside. Stuff the bitter gourd
                                                                  segments with the prepared filling. Fry both ends of
            ■ 风味特色                                                the stuffed bitter gourd in a non-stick pan until gold-
            甘香软糯,回味无穷。                                            en brown.
                                                               3.  Stand the fried stuffed bitter gourd upright in a pres-
                                                                  sure cooker, add the light broth and cook under pres-
                                                                  sure on low heat for 12 minutes. Turn off the heat, let
                                                                  the pressure release naturally before opening the lid.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Sweet and aromatic with a soft, glutinous texture, rich
                                                               and lingering taste.

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