Page 54 - EH65
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harm than good if the perceived compassion and might give rise refuge in that skill, they do not try
“future good” may not actually be so to what we sometimes call fierce to address their anger. They let
for the child or student. compassion, with no ill-feeling their wound fester from within and
towards anyone while remaining that ruins their own mental and
Ven Min Wei: Can anger be equally concerned about the physical health. Although forgetting
justified or skilful? Traditionally, situation. the situation that led to anger may
Buddhists feel a sense of shame not be that easy or even necessary,
when expressing anger, while Some people can seem very cool, it is possible to let go of anger and
from a psychological point of view, calm, and collected, yet they may the ill feelings associated with it
getting in touch with our anger be seething inside with anger. Is and cultivate forgiveness for one’s
is vital. Scientifically, anger as a it better to release our anger and own benefit, if not also for the
healthy response to injustice has then forget about it, or let it stay inflictor. Anger as an affliction can
a different quality. Anger is also inside us? be damaging at times. One may find
traditionally thought to be close it more reasonable and healthier
to wisdom. When not projected Ayasma Aggacitta: Neither is for all concerned to develop
outward onto others or inward better than the other for both are compassion, compassion for oneself
towards one self, it is a necessary bad. Instead one should use any of in a moment of affliction and for
energy but we need to be skilful in the methods prescribed above to those in one’s environment, sparing
managing it when it arises. dispel the anger. them the harm that anger often
So a better question is whether it Ven Min Wei: Anger is an emotion
is possible to use one’s own anger found in all human beings. It is not Written by Geshe Dadul Namgyal
skilfully as a method to lead others a simple on-off switch where if you with editorial assistance from
to find release from suffering. The want it, you just switch it on, but Martha Leslie Baker.
energy of anger that we can cultivate when you don’t like it, you can turn
should be used for a purpose that it off. It doesn’t work that way in Venerable
is ultimately compassionate and a human being as far as anger is Āyasmā
not based on hatred for others. For concerned. Aggacitta is the
example, anger over injustice or of founder of the
an adult abusing a child would not What we really need to understand Sāsanārakkha
be considered as negative if it is is what causes our anger. For Buddhist
done out of love and compassion. instance, the causes of our anger Sanctuary (SBS) in Taiping, Perak,
So we are angry over the injustice could be due to our expectations, a Pāli scholar and a meditation
or harm done to another person or jealousy, feeling belittled, self- teacher.
an animal, but we have no hatred desire, and so forth. We cannot
in our mind for the perpetrator, but totally eliminate our anger, no Geshe Dadul
compassion for the victims. matter how we mastered our Namgyal
practices, because anger is part is a Geshe
Geshe Dadul: Anger, as opposed to of our human emotion. Anger is a Lharampa and
hatred, may be justified on certain natural part of our emotional make senior resident
occasions. Particularly, if we think up. It arises when our expectations teacher at
of anger, in its least destructive and wishes are not fulfilled or Drepung Loseling Monastery in
mode, as a disturbed sense of satisfied. Thus, anger itself is not an Atlanta, Georgia, USA
being annoyed or wronged based issue; the problem is how we are
on reasonable assessment of the able to deal with it. Ven. Min Wei is a teacher of
situation. That may be justified and e-learning at the International
even required to rouse us to act Geshe Dadul: Yes, for sure there Buddhist College (IBC) and
against an injustice or oppression are some people who can hide their an independent translator of
that we witness. Such a sentiment actual feeling of anger and put up Buddhism. EH
can even go hand in hand with a facade of cool and calm. Taking