Page 55 - EH65
P. 55
From Shambhala Publications,
Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Holly Gayley, Voices from Larung Gar. Shaping Charles B. Jones. Pure Land. History, Tradition, and
Tibetan Buddhism for the Twenty-First Century, 2021. Practice.2021. pp 246. US$16.95.
pp 292. US$ 24.95.
This is a brief introduction to the history and
This is a collection of 10 talks and writings by the practices of Pure Land Buddhism, which centers on
leading voices of Larung Gar, the largest Buddhist Amitābha Buddha, rebirth in his Western Pure Land,
institution on the Tibetan plateau. The book offers a and the guaranteed attainment of Buddhahood. It
compelling vision for Buddhism in the twenty-first constitutes the dominant tradition of most Buddhists
century by some of the most erudite, creative, and in East Asia and is the most common form of practice
influential Tibetan Buddhist luminaries today. In within immigrant Buddhist communities in the West.
everyday language, these leaders delve into an array However, it is less well-known than Tibetan, Zen or
of contemporary issues, including science, ethics, Theravada. This brief introduction summarizes the
gender equity, and animal welfare. core teachings of this tradition and charts its growth
throughout the world.
This collection features contributions from a range of
prominent figures who are forging dynamic, modern Pure Land covers the spiritual tenets behind the
paths forward for an ancient tradition. Included tradition before describing how prayer and devotion
are the internationally renowned Khenpo Jigme to Amitābha allow for rebirth in a realm free from
Phuntsok, founder of Larung Gar, his distinguished suffering and ideal for progress on the path to
successors Khenpos Sodargye and Tsultrim Lodro, enlightenment. It then outlines specific Pure Land
and erudite nuns holding the scholarly title Khenmo, practices, all the while providing historical context
who are becoming known for their impressive to account for its widespread popularity throughout
publishing projects. Larung Gar is thus one of East Asia. The author also covers contemporary Pure
Tibetan Buddhism’s most vital communities, actively Land traditions, providing a useful touch point for
balancing cultural preservation and innovation. modern readers. Pure Land practitioners and readers
This volume by Holly illustrates vividly the now have a concise guide to the ideas, practices, and
remarkable ways in which Larung Gar monks and origins of this widely popular spiritual tradition. EH
nuns are engaging modern social issues while
remaining deeply grounded in their beloved
Buddhist traditions. EH