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F ORUM                                                                          TEACHINGS  |  EASTERN HORIZON     511


           we will gain greater confidence in   causes and conditions. Then this   mitigate kleśas— the middling
           being able to control ourselves and   observation with such a right view   practice level of neutralizing and
           not act foolishly or irrationally, or to   would certainly be wholesome.  co-opting kleśas by using them as
           just blame others.                                                  aids on the path— to eventually
                                             Otherwise, without such a right   even embracing and integrating
           The Buddha has shown that anger   view, the observation would still   kleśas on the path of effectively
           is very counter-productive. He said   be unwholesome, although the   eliminating them— the advanced
           getting angry with another person   Abhidhamma maintains that       practice level of using them as
           is like lighting a fire that burns   mindfulness is always associated   keys to enhancing the path and
           within oneself, and it harms oneself   with wholesome states. For   transmuting them. This succession
           more than the other person.       instance, most people, even though   of skills reflects an individual’s
                                             they may be mindful of the anger   progression on the path. Through
           Geshe Dadul: Except in the        within, still identify it as “mine,   persistent training, one can become
           case of extremely strong anger,   me, my self”. Now, isn’t it obvious   increasingly less overwhelmed
           when the mind has become fully    that this observation made with   and consumed by kleśas, and
           overwhelmed and blinded, it is still   mindfulness accompanied by wrong   increasingly skilled in turning the
           possible to exercise some restraint   view is unwholesome?          unique quality of kleśas into assets
           and intervene. Using a corner of                                    to combating the kleśas thoroughly,
           your mind, notice the anger in you   Ven Min Wei: Indeed, if we can be   to their very subtle stains over
           and recognize it for what it is. Try to   mindfully aware or recognize anger   and above the manifest afflictions
           not identify with it. This results in   whenever it arises, we will definitely   and their roots. At any given level,
           creating a distance between oneself   not be controlled or overwhelmed   the basic nature of hatred remains
           and the anger, that will right away   by our anger. Thus, we need not   unwholesome (akusala). Through
           deflate it to some extent. Then one   ignore anger but convert it into   progressive practice, its unique
           can apply other interventions and   a positive energy without being   destructive potential is increasingly
           bring about a positive transition.   imprisoned in negativities.    overwhelmed and even leveraged
           For this, it is helpful to build the                                to bring its own destruction by a
           habit of checking the state of one’s   Therefore, practicing mindfulness   skilful practitioner
           mind every now and then and make   is crucially important. Mindfulness
           conscious choice over them.       is not to suppress or fight against   Are there any occasions when
                                             anger, but to recognize and take   anger is justified, or when anger
           Is it possible to observe and     care of it. So, the energy of anger is   becomes a skilful action?
           experience anger without being    recognized and embraced tenderly
           overwhelmed by it, or be mindful   by the energy of mindfulness. It’s   Ayasma Aggacitta: From the
           that we are angry? If so, is it   like we are helping each other.   perspective of the Pāli scriptures,
           still considered unwholesome      Both mindfulness and anger        no. After all, dosa is classified
           (akusala)?                        are ourselves. Recently, many     as one of the three roots of

                                             therapeutic traditions in the West   unwholesomeness.
           Ayasma Aggacitta: Of course       have integrated the contemplative
           it is possible for well-trained   approach to therapy focusing      However, from the worldly
           practitioners of mindfulness. For   on mindfulness. This is itself a   perspective, one could say that
           instance, one who has successfully   wholesome act.                 there may be justifiable occasions to
           incorporated right mindfulness in                                   express anger. For example, parents
           daily life and is able to personally   Geshe Dadul: It is possible to   and teachers sometimes resort to
           and experientially understand that   train from having to  redirect   karuṇā-dosa to train their children
           whatever happens is a product of   attention from the kleśas every   and students respectively for their
           present causes and past conditions,   time they emerge – the initial   own future good which they may
           should have no problem identifying   practice level of restraint against   be unable to envisage at that time.
           the anger as “not mine, not me,   kleśas — to slowly befriending    Unfortunately, this can be quite
           not my self”, but a product of    kleśas and recruiting them to     subjective and may well do more
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