Page 39 - EH 71
P. 39


           for reflection, and ask ourselves: “if I die tomorrow, have   feeling abandoned. They would have failed to recognize
           I lived today in a way where there are no regrets?” Then   that the whole point of the very precious and fleeting
           we can feel completely satisfied. Lama Zopa maximized   life of the lama is to help us relate to ourselves with the
           every moment of opportunity for dharma practice and to   dignity of a dharma king or queen, or of a living Buddha.
           benefit others. I’m confident he knew he was dying and
           did so peacefully with no regrets precisely because of the   Can you share with us what final teachings we can
           way he lives his life. I say the bodhisattvas live their lives   learn from Lama Zopa who passed away recently?
           “inside out”, they live for others’ benefit first, and then
           ironically derive the most benefit and happiness of all.   There are so many final teachings, at least one for every
           We can all be like that, but we have to work backwards.   student who had a connection with Lama Zopa. Some of
           We have to start with the recognition of the certainty of   us will remember his kindness and joy, others his great
           death and the uncertainty of the time, and ask ourselves   compassion. Some others will see his tireless efforts and
           in this very moment, what is our priority?         magnificent Bodhisattva deeds. Another will reflect on
                                                              death and impermanence, and from there on emptiness.
           I believe you have a beautiful story to share from your   The guru is empty, and therefore we can each see a vast
           master Geshe Tenzin Zopa on the loss of his master?  number of final teachings in his passing as a result of

                                                              our own karma and level of realization.
           Yes, there is a lesson that was taught to me by Geshe
           Tenzin Zopa during our recent pilgrimage to the holy   Even in his final hours before passing Lama Zopa
           sites in Nepal and India. When we were in Kushinigar,   was discussing the building of a giant stupa and the
           where the Buddha experienced parinirvana, Geshe-   preserving and disseminating of lam rim texts and
           la told us a powerful story about the passing of his   teachings at Rachen Nunnery in the Tsum. These
           own beloved lama, Geshe Konchog. He said for a brief   projects offer a vision for many people to channel their
           moment he was shattered, completely devastated by   collective efforts in order to provide a conduit for future
           the loss. He said he allowed himself to grieve totally   generations to also benefit from the Dharma.
           for about thirty minutes. Then he was moved by a very
           powerful recognition that in fact there was no loss at all.   For myself I will be creating a fundraising campaign for
           Geshe Lama Konchog was always with him.            the Rachen Nunnery, the stupa and lam rim projects,
                                                              and leading students there for a long retreat together
           Then he went further to say, “The death of the outer guru,   with Geshe Tenzin Zopa in 2024. Thus, we will continue
           is the rebirth of the inner guru”. This is very profound   to live in the vision of Lama Zopa, keeping him alive in
           actually. It means the whole purpose of relying on the   our hearts, serving him in pure guru devotion even after
           guru is for you to discover the inner refuge or reliance   his passing, and thereby reaping the continued karmic
           on the inner guru. You are the Buddha, you have Buddha   benefits for ourselves while positively impacting the
           nature, everything you see in your lama, all their good   lives of countless others.
           qualities, their level of realization, is also available in you
           as well. You are not separate from them. You are them. If   And so, as in his life, so too in his death, Lama Zopa
           you can practice good guru devotion to the external guru,   was truly selfless, always thinking of benefiting
           imagine what will happen when you realize where the   others through Dharma projects. He lived and died,
           ultimate guru lies? And you respect and revere yourself   truly “inside out”, full of meaning, and therefore with
           as someone who can have a positive impact on others.   tremendous joy. That’s the final teaching as I see it.

           Geshe Tenzin Zopa became an even more effective    So how do we best honor our spiritual teachers
           teacher with more confidence, love, compassion, and   when they pass away?
           deeper wisdom after the passing of his lama. From death
           came new life. Those who don’t understand this will   We honor our teachers by fulfilling our own potential.
           forever be holding on to the memories of their departed   That is our greatest gift back to them, and how we pay it
           guru, and will be stuck in a bardo mourning the loss and   forward to countless others.  EH
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