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Mindfulness for Modern Teens
By Cara Lai
Cara Lai spent most of Benny: Could you share with us what got you
her life trying to figure interested in mindfulness, and how long have you
out how to be happy, been practicing it?
or at least avoid total
misery, which landed Cara: I found myself on a quest for deeper meaning in
her on a cushion for life when I was in my early 20’s. I was moving from job
the majority of her to job, and at some point, someone handed me a book
adulthood. Throughout called “Eight Minute Meditation” saying, “you would like
meditation.” He was right. I took to meditating like a
many consciousness
duck in water, and it wasn’t long before I started having
adventures including a
some fairly profound experiences just from meditating
few mind-bendingly long meditation retreats, she
those eight minutes every day. Eventually I found a
has explored the wilderness of the mind, chronic Buddhist retreat center and sat my first silent retreat,
illness, the importance of pleasure, and lots of other and I knew I had found that deeper meaning that I was
things that sound too risqué to mention here. looking for. Words will never do justice to the amount of
joy, relief, freedom, and purpose I felt on that retreat. I
In the past, Cara has worked as an artist, wilderness couldn’t believe that no one had ever taught me this as a
guide, social worker and psychotherapist, but at this kid, that no one had ever told me that there was a clear
point she’s given up on being an adult in exchange path out of suffering in life, and that this practice was
for an all-out mindfulness rampage. Her teaching not something mainstream in my culture. That year I
is relatable, authentic, funny and sometimes crass, sat three more retreats, including a three month retreat.
and is accessible for many people. She teaches teens Since then I’ve committed my life fully to practicing and
and adults at Inward Bound Mindfulness Education, teaching Buddhism.
Spirit Rock, Insight Meditation Society, and UCLA; Right Mindfulness is part of the Buddha’s Noble
ultimately hoping to get woke enough to bend Eight-fold Path, together with Right Action which is
spoons with her mind in front of large audiences. about morality. How important is ethics when you
And to help people be happier. teach mindfulness to teens?
Benny Liow was introduced to Cara by a Dharma The more I teach and practice, the more interested I
friend, and Cara has graciously accepted our become in morality, because the clearer it has become
invitation to be interviewed for Eastern Horizon on that ethical behavior leads us out of suffering. At teen
her experience teaching mindfulness to teenagers in retreats, it is vitally important to create a sense of safety
the United States. and community, and morality is the foundation of that. We
introduce the precepts on the first night, which sets the
stage for inclusivity and kindness. One of the best things
about teen retreats is seeing how the teens welcome
each other in, in a way that supports everyone in being
comfortable to be themselves completely. It’s hard to
describe how incredible it is to witness a bunch of young