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people being free to express their uniqueness and watch from the group, making it easier to feel safe, and thus
their creativity and kindness get unleashed into the world. to sit with and accept themselves when they meditate.
We get to see the teens find their voices and find the With this as the backdrop to the retreats, the teachings
freedom the Buddha described, right before our eyes. are offered in a way that is congruent with Satipatthana
Sutta. Teens get instructions on mindfulness of body,
How do you differentiate Buddhist mindfulness feelings, mind, and dhammas throughout the retreat,
which is based primarily on the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, though not necessarily in that order.
and secular mindfulness which is a modern Western
development, so that people are clear what they are Do you think it is more appropriate to start teaching
practicing and why? teens secular mindfulness whose objective is to gain
calmness and peace of mind, followed by Buddhist
Sometimes people in American culture have a negative mindfulness which is aimed ultimately at spiritual
association with religion, or already feel tied to a liberation from cyclic existence?
particular religion in such a way that introducing
mindfulness as a Buddhist concept would turn them Not necessarily. Each individual has their own path,
away. For this reason, it can be helpful to offer teachings and their own door through which the teachings call
in a secular format. This often entails framing Buddhist to them. While it may be true that many people find it
principles in secular language rather than using Pali easier to engage with the teachings through a secular
or Sanskrit. Often it also means leaving out the more route, especially in Western culture, I know many teens
devotional practices connected with Buddhism. who were attracted to the teachings specifically as they
Unfortunately, I think another thing that often gets were presented through the Buddhist framework, and
left out when mindfulness is taught secularly, is the for whom the idea of unshakeable liberation of the heart
context of the four noble truths and the eightfold was a major point of interest.
path. Mindfulness is isolated and becomes a stand-
What are the main benefits of mindfulness that you
alone remedy for suffering, and the possibility of full
would communicate to the modern teen?
enlightenment is usually not spoken about. For me,
even when teaching secularly, it’s important to actually
name the tradition where the concepts and practices of Lately I’ve encountered many teens who have been
mindfulness originate from, both as a way of honoring taught to not suppress their emotions, but haven’t been
their derivation, and also as a way of pointing people to given the tools to be with strong emotions in a healthy
Buddhism in case they are interested in going deeper. way. So, I find that teens really respond to hearing about
how mindfulness can help us open to, honor, and learn
There are many varieties of mindfulness programs from our emotions, without letting them consume us.
today. So what’s your curriculum in teaching I’ve also found that teens are really interested in hearing
mindfulness, especially to teens? about how mindfulness can help them honor and love
their own uniqueness. Self-love is something that teens,
Most of my teaching with teens takes place on meditation at this very pivotal moment in their lives, really need
retreats specifically formatted for teenagers. These to grow and thrive as healthy adults, and unfortunately
retreats are held in such a way that the teens go in and most teens don’t have enough of it and aren’t taught
out of noble silence, having opportunities to engage how to access it within themselves. But the thing that
with each other in various ways when not practicing I think is the most important for teens to understand,
meditation. We’ve found this format to be supportive is that mindfulness is a way that we can find real,
for this age group in particular, because the teens, at lasting freedom from suffering. This possibility for real
least in Western culture, really thrive from the sense liberation is something I wished adults in my life had
of community and inclusivity that develops as a result. been able to teach me at a young age, and what keeps
Teens tend to find a sense of belonging and acceptance me inspired to teach young people.