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study Buddhism and serve the public. Nevertheless,   of experience in teaching the senior citizens to use
             there are some advantages of offline activities that   internet,  said  that  there  were  two  ways  to  teach
             online activities cannot match. For example, seeing   the elderly, i.e., telephone guidance and in person
             Buddha statues or Venerable physically makes people   teaching. She pointed out that although the senior
             more likely to raise their respect, and the atmosphere   citizens  do  not  have  computers  at  home,  most
             in  the  offline  activity  will  make  participants  more   of  them  have  tablets  and  mobile  phones  and  are
             engaged in learning, and the learning will be more   familiar with using the communication apps such as
             effective.  In  addition,  meeting  Dharma  fellows  can   WhatsApp, making them capable of coping with the
             facilitate fellowship and have a better understanding   new demands.
             of each other's current situation.
                                                               The poor network signal in the rural area is also a
             He said that BBFM will continue to organise online   major  problem,  added  Tan  Chang  Yong.  The  fact
             events in the future, but not every event will be held   that Dharma cannot be transmitted to the suburbs
             online  and  offline  at  the  same  time.  There  will  be   shows that physical activities are still indispensable.
             different  modes  of  conduct  for  different  activities.   Lai  Hui  Xuan  said  some  member  organisations  of
             He believes that the method of Dharma propagation   YBAM did not even find any mobile Internet network
             needs to adapt to the needs of the times.         signal  at  all  within  their  buildings.  Therefore,  they
                                                               were unable to play live videos of Dharma sharing.
                 Community Buddhist Societies                  The members could only participate online at home,
             Compared to DDMMY and BBFM which are in urban
             areas  and  having  many  young  members,  Buddhist   In  addition,  the  different  culture  of  the  residents
             associations  in  rural  areas  with  older  members   have  also  prevented  digital  Dharma  propagation
             face  more  challenges  in  promoting  digital  Dharma   activities  from  coming  to  life  in  the  suburbs.  Tan
             propagation.                                      Chang  Yong  said  that  feedback  collected  during
                                                               YBAM’s visit to member organisations led by YBAM
             YBAM Dharma Propagation Committee Chairperson     President  showed  that  most  people  have  few
             Tan  Chang  Yong  said  that  the  challenge  at  the   interests in online activities. Lai Hui Xuan also shared
             beginning was that the elderly did not know how to   the feedback she had received, showing that most
             access the internet and needed to be taught slowly.   people  preferred  offline  activities.  For  example,
             In this regard, YBAM Negeri Sembilan State Liaison   whenever a community Buddhist society organises
             Committee Chairperson Lai Hui Xuan, who has a lot   an  event,  such  as  inviting  Venerable  to  come  and

            DDMMY Online Meditation Class for Beginners.

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