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The Religious Advisor of BBFM Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thera delivered Wesak Dharma sharing and blessing to both physical and online participants.
o cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, the online activity was first internally rehearsed to collect
Tgovernment started the Movement Control Order feedback. The event would only be open to the public
(MCO) in March 2020 which strictly controlled mass after going through several times of simulation. After
activities, leading to the rise of online activities. In line continuous simulations, it was then open to the
with this trend, many Buddhist organisations started public.
a new path of Dharma propagation by conducting
online activities. Among the online activities organised by DDMMY,
the online course has the closest effect as offline
Could the digital transformation bring new activities. For example, the ‘Beyond the Pandemic’
opportunities for the Dharma propagation? What online workshop, a course focusing on how to cope
are the challenges encountered by Buddhist with the changes in life after the epidemic, was
organisations in propagating Dharma digitally? Will not conducted in one-way sharing mode by the
the digitalisation of Dharma propagation become a lecturers but was divided into several sessions such
trend in the future? In this issue of ‘Berita YBAM’, as Venerable’s guidance, group discussions, and
several individuals were interviewed to share their mini games, giving participants more opportunities
experiences and insights on their involvement in to interact with each other. Other courses that
online Dharma propagation activities over the past have been running smoothly include ‘Five Dharma
two years, as well as the phenomena they have Lectures’ and ‘Happy Buddhism Learners’.
observed during this period.
Some activities that lacked interaction, such as
DDM Malaysia Dharma assembly and chanting, were shortened from
two hours to one hour, considering the difficulty for
The first online event organised by Dharma Drum the practitioners to stay focused for a long time. The
Mountain Buddhist Centre Malaysia (DDMMY) event has seen a consistent number of participants
after the outbreak of the pandemic was the sharing all the way through.
series ‘Don't Go After the Light, Be the Light’ which
started in December 2020. The series was planned As for online meditation, DDMMY has organised One-
in response to the pandemic with the sharing of life Day Meditation Retreat and Beginner´s Meditation
stories by various speakers to inspire the audiences Class. Besides, group meditation practice is conducted
to apply the Dharma to overcome difficulties in their weekly. The online meditation activities have been
lives, and it was well received by the participants. successful in attracting participants from other states
and they are now regularly participating in the weekly
DDMMY Supervisory Director Venerable Chang Zao online meditation practice without absent.
said that all online activities at DDMMY are modelled
on offline activities. To achieve the best result, each However, as meditation practice requires some