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Taking the aforementioned tech companies as an example, Buddhist organisations need to have big-picture thinking and
            focus on the practical application of the Dharma if they are to remain relevant in this Information Age. Carl Newport
            mentioned in his book ‘Digital Minimalism’ that one of the important issues facing human civilisation today is the
            rise of the attention economy, the impact of distraction to attention, and technological addiction. The severity of the
            COVID-19 pandemic and the movement control orders have prompted the rise of digital Dharma propagation, reflecting
            that there are new developments and opportunities on the other side of risks or crises. Buddhism happens to be an
            effective solution to the problem of attention. The ‘Effective Ways to Relax’ by Akira Kugaya, a Medical Doctor from the
            Department of Psychiatry, Yale University, and many books by the late famous Japanese industrialist Kazuo Inamori,
            including ‘The Six Endeavours’ and ‘Heart’, all refer to the importance of teachings and practice of Buddhism to treat
            the modern ‘disease of civilisation’ and care for the human minds. Buddhist teachings and practices such as meditation,
            Three Studies (precepts, concentration and wisdom), mindfulness, and the concept of life and death can still play an
            effective function in the age of technology and stand the test of changing times.

            YBAM is about to usher in the era of the eighth Six-Year Plan. I hope that each generation of teams involved will take
            into account the two factors of attention and energy in the implementation of coming activities, plans, and organisation
            affairs. Organisations must clearly and truthfully recognize their own limitations, and make good use of the unique
            strengths built up thanks to the persistence of each generation. It is also important to strike a proper balance between
            protecting the fundamentals and exploring more blue ocean fields. This evolution should be guided by more sense of
            crisis and precise involvement, rather than being restricted by sense of honor and more internal friction as mentioned
            in the previous paragraph.

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