Page 169 - hakka
P. 169


            Stuffed Radish Coins

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredients
            猪前夹肉               750克                            750 grams pork shoulder
            萝卜钱                100克                            100 grams dried radish slices

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            干葱                   5克                            5 grams shallots

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            食盐                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon salt
            鸡粉                半茶匙                              ½ teaspoon chicken powder
            花生油                1汤匙                             1 tablespoon peanut oil
            生粉                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon cornstarch
            水淀粉                1汤匙                             1 tablespoon starch slurry

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  将萝卜钱放入清水中浸泡并清洗约2分钟,拧干                          1.  Soak and clean the dried radish slices in water for
                水分后备用。                                            about 2 minutes, then wring out the excess water
            2.  将猪前夹肉剁碎,干葱切碎,加入调味后充分搅                             and set aside.
                拌并摔打起胶,制成馅料。                                   2.  Mince the pork shoulder and dice the shallots, add
            3.  将萝卜钱摊开,取适量馅料置一端,捆卷成筒                              seasonings, and thoroughly mix and pound until it
                状。                                                forms a sticky, gelatinous texture to create the filling.
            4.  将酿好的萝卜钱放入蒸锅中,大火蒸制约12分                          3.  Lay the radish slices flat, place a small portion of the
                钟,取出滗掉多余的汤汁。将汤汁勾芡至稍微浓                             filling on one end and roll it into tube a cylinder.
                稠,淋在菜肴上即可。                                     4.  Place the stuffed radish slices in a steamer and steam
                                                                  on high heat for about 12 minutes. Remove them,
            ■ 风味特色                                                pour off the excess liquid. Thicken the liquid slightly
            清脆爽口,质甜味香。                                            with a cornstarch slurry, then drizzle it over the dish
                                                                  before serving.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               The dish is crispy, refreshing, sweet, and fragrant.
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