Page 64 - GPHS Environmental Public Health Standards (Foundation of Public Health) v1
P. 64

Food Contact Zones

       The potential contamination of the food contact zone is determined

       based on the production equipment’s exposure to food and byproducts.

       Food contact zones can be defined as:

                      Food Zone:                                          Splash Zone:                                        Nonfood Zone:
         an area intended to be                                an area that is routinely                            an area that is not exposed

         exposed to direct contact                             exposed to indirect food                             to food or splashes but will

         with food or surfaces                                 contact due to splashes                              likely be exposed to minor
         where food or other                                   and spills. These areas are                          dirt and debris.

         substances may contact                                not intended for contact

         and then flow, drain or                               with consumable food.
         drain back onto food or

         food contact surfaces.

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