Page 60 - GPHS Environmental Public Health Standards (Foundation of Public Health) v1
P. 60
Biofilms in food and beverage preparation and service areas
The presence of biofilms in food and beverage preparation and service areas poses potential risks that
can be categorized into two types:
Food Safety
Operating Efficiency
➢ "Organoleptic alteration"
refers to changes in ➢ Blocking pipes, openings, pumps,
attributes such as color, filters and valves
taste, smell, and other ➢ Promotion of corrosion
sensory characteristics. ➢ Heat transfer reduction
➢ Alteration of product shelf- ➢ Inhibition or reduction of biocidal
life activity, for example, Listeria spp. in
➢ There is a high possibility of biofilms is much more resistant to
cross-contamination with hypochlorite than Listeria cells
harmful bacteria. outside the matrix.