Page 71 - GPHS Environmental Public Health Standards (Foundation of Public Health) v1
P. 71

Norovirus fecal oral route transmission

                                                                24‐48 h                                            12‐60 h

                                   Exposure to the                                    Symptoms                                       Recovery

                                            virus                             ➢ Symptoms will be                            ➢ Usually a person

                                 ➢ Touching with hands                           developed 24‐48 hours                           recovers within 12‐60
                                   contaminated                                  after exposure
                                   surfaces, then                             ➢ Ill persons must be                              hours
                                   touching the mouth                            isolated in their cabins
                                 ➢ Eat contaminated food
                                 ➢ Drink contaminated
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