Page 73 - GPHS Environmental Public Health Standards (Foundation of Public Health) v1
P. 73
OPRP - Thresholds (Triggers)
Green Level Yellow Level Red Level
Baseline Elevated Maximum
Elevated acute
gastroenteritis (AGE) Maximum Response Level
Baseline Standard Significant and sudden
Operating Procedures A sudden increase in increase in the number of
incidence in the number of clinical AGE cases
clinical AGE cases
> 2.0% attack rate in either
passenger or crew, or
A sudden increase of
AGE cases < 0.5% If the cumulative
cumulative attack rate in AGE cases 0.5% -2.0 % proportion of cases of
either passenger or crew cumulative attack rate in gastrointestinal illness
either passenger or crew.
among passengers or crew
is ≥ 2 % within 72 hours
Increase frequency of cleaning and disinfection of high-touch