Page 2 - HACCP One-Sheeters
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Snooze Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Management
                                                  SNOOZE UNIVERSITY: HACCP

                    The Why?                                     Wuz HACCP (haas-SUP)?!

         We strive to create memorable        HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points.  It’s a safety
         breakfast experiences for every      management system that assures food safety & quality from harvest to
                                              consumption. HACCP principles (such as hazard analysis, Critical Control
         Snooze Guest.  We TRAIN all          Point identification, monitoring, corrective action, and record-keeping)
         Snoozers to deliver quality food     have been built into Snooze’s comprehensive training program.
         in a manner that not only
         exceeds Guest expectations, but                                                Storytelling is the art of
         that also meets regulatory                 The Experience: Snooze’s           training and teaching the
         requirements and Snooze’s high             Learning Management System               Snooze Story!
         safety and quality standards.              Core Curriculum: Series of             It starts with us!

               Know Your Stuff!                     fundamental courses taken by          Makin’ it Happen
                                                    ALL Snoozers
         New Snoozer training includes, but         Positional Packet: Detailed,    After initial orientation, new
                                                    position-specific training
         is not limited to:                         outline                         Snoozers are paired with a
              Personnel (Occupational) Safety       Training Timelines: Training
              Equipment Safety                   Tellin’ the Snooze Story           Storyteller (or Trotter) at the
              Chemical Safety                       schedule at a glance (by day)   restaurant.  Storytellers assist the
              Food Safety & Allergen                Snooze University: General      managers with training of the New
              Awareness                             term for the collection of      Snoozers.  All training is
              Food Quality                          Snooze training resources       documented; the documentation
              Food Defense                          Storyteller: Certified, in-     is kept in Snoozer’s individual file
              Job-Specific tasks                    restaurant trainer              or online learning platforms, and
              HACCP principles                      Trotter: Traveling Storyteller   should be available (and easily
              Regulatory Requirements (FDA          Team TLC: Mo’Ship Teaching,     accessible) for review upon
              Food Code)                            Leadership and Coaching
              Snooze-Specific topics                                                request.

               The Experience is Snooze’s           HACCP procedures help us              Own your training!  If you
            The Experience  & sharing.  Snoozers are   The Red Line  Critical Control Points (such   Own it!  something, reach out to
                                                                                          don’t understand
                                                    to eliminate food hazards.
               online platform for learning
               assigned required training
                                                                                          your manager, Storyteller
                                                    as temp requirements) and
                                                                                          or Team TLC!  We want you
                                                    other HACCP considerations
               based on job function.
                                                                                          to be confident and possess
               Training content and
                                                    have been built into Snooze
               completion records can be
                                                                                          be the Best of the Best!
                                                    Look for ‘em in RED!
               found on The Experience.             training and Food Doctrines.          the knowledge you need to
                                       PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO SNOOZE HOLDCO INC
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