Page 4 - HACCP One-Sheeters
P. 4
Snooze Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Management
The Why? Sick-y Snoozers Stay Home!
Thank you for NOT sharing! If you’re feeling icky (fever, sore throat, vomiting,
Nobody wants to be responsible diarrhea), stay home and take care of yourself! If you happen to pick up
for making someone else sick! Salmonella, Hepatitis A, E. coli, Norovirus or Shigella, let your manager know
We gotta’ keep ourselves and ASAP. We gotta tell our friends at the Health Department!
our restaurants clean and germ-
free to prevent the contam- WASH your hands after you: RULZ IS RULZ!
Use the restroom (once in
ination of food and the the restroom and again at All Snooze visitors gotta’
transmission of illness. your work station!) follow ‘em too!
Handle raw animal products
Hand Washin’ 101 Return from a break Glove Love
Handle money
Use designated hand washing sink Dirty Mitts are the Pits! Touch face, hair, hat, cell Always use clean, disposable GLOVES
Wet hands and arms using HOT phone, or dirty towels while handling Ready-to-Eat food.
water (temp >100°) Pet an animal Trash ‘em when they’re grimy or torn;
Apply soap. Scrub hands and arms Sneeze or cough - even if after touching raw animal products;
vigorously for 20 seconds into the crook of the arm every hour during continual use;
Rinse and then dry with a single-use Put on or change gloves when you switch tasks; and after
paper towel. Use a paper towel to Handle chemicals contacting any gross stuff! Choppin’
turn off the faucet, if necessary. Take out the waste bins & slicin’? Always wear a Cut Glove!
Keep it fresh – shower daily
(and no perfume-y stuff)
Wear clean clothes & aprons Sani buckets are changed at
HOH Snoozers are to wear Snoozers cannot eat, smoke, 7am, 10am & 1pm, and should
hairnets/hats, and beard nets use tobacco or chew gum in have concentration between
to cover facial hair longer than the kitchen, bar, or service 200-400 ppm. WET WHITE
¼ inch. FOH Snoozers with areas. Get your grub on in towels are for table tops in
Lookin’ Snoozy! from face and off shoulders. Gettin’ your Grub on Beverages can only be Sanitation Nation are for seats and table bases
hair longer than chin-length,
designated areas only.
must have hair tied back, away
(not tops) in the FOH, and for
consumed and stored in
We don’t want to see your
all food surfaces in the HOH.
designated zones. Drink
piggies. Closed-toed,
Both white and colored wet
racks should be located >18”
CERTIFIED slip-resistant shoes
from food contact surfaces.
towels should be stored in a
are a must!
No artificial nails or polish in
provided by Snooze. The
not being used. Don’t leave
the HOH – unless you’re Liquids must be in cups Sani bucket or chalk bag when
wearing gloves. No chipped cups need to have secure lids. them on food contact
polish in FOH! Remember to wash hands surfaces! DRY WHITE towels
Leave your bling at home. after eating & drinking! are only for handling hot
(A single, plain band/ring OK in dishes.
HOH. Minimal jewelry - rings and
stud earrings – OK in FOH.)