Page 300 - fourth year book
P. 300
3. Barriers to workplace health promotion-
A. Time constraints and working hours
- Concerns about time constraints reflect the perception that
WHP involves attending structured activities
- Having staff off at the same time to attend WHP activities
presents difficulties in small businesses, while some
medium and large businesses found it difficult to schedule
activities around employees doing shift work
B. Financial constraints
- Cost an issue for small businesses due to perceived
opportunity costs for managers to take time to organize
activities and for employees to attend
- Cost also an issue for medium and large businesses,
however some HR managers were able to justify the costs
through the savings incurred from reduced insurance
premiums and achieved through tight safety measures
and reduced workers’ compensation claims
- Funding structures in some not for profit organizations
did not allow for funds to be allocated to WHP
C. Lack of Employee Interest
- Work pressures and lack of time to attend
- Employees working shifts, part time, casual and
employees paid commission less likely to attend
- The need in large businesses for middle management
approval for employees to attend activities
- Activities often only appeal to a limited number of
- Employee attitudes: health is personal and should be
addressed outside of work