Page 310 - fourth year book
P. 310


                     Political  and  Military  Constraints  which  impact  or  prevent
                      Humanitarian Assistance

                     Increased Security Risks for Humanitarian Relief Workers

                   4-  Pandemic Emergencies

               Pandemic emergency is an epidemic of infectious disease that has spread

               across  a  large  region,  which  can  occur  to  the  human  population  or
               animal population and may affect health and disrupt services leading to

               economic and social costs. It may be an unusual or unexpected increase
               in the number of cases of an infectious disease which already exists in a

               certain  region  or  population  or  can  also  refer  to  the  appearance  of  a
               significant  number  of  cases  of  an  infectious  disease  in  a  region  or

               population that is usually free from that disease. Pandemic Emergencies
               may  occur  as  a  consequence  of  natural  or  man-made  disasters.  These

               have included the following epidemics:

                     Ebola

                     Zika

                     Avian Flu

                     Cholera

                     Dengue Fever

                     Malaria
                     Yellow Fever

                     Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

               Bonet  (1990)  classifies  disasters  based  on  a  numeric  categorization
               which includes:

                   1.  Minor disaster it conveys an upper limit of 25 persons injured or

                   2.  Moderate  disaster  it  may  include  up  to  100  persons  injured  or

                      killed and
                   3.  Major disaster it exceeds 100 persons injured or killed.

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