Page 314 - fourth year book
P. 314


               Disaster Nursing is the systematic and flexible utilization of knowledge
               and  skills  specific  to  disaster  related  nursing,  and  the  promotion  of  a

               wide  range  of  activities  to  minimize  the  health  hazards  and  life
               threatening  damage  caused  by  disasters  in  collaboration  with  other

               specialized  fields.  Disaster  nursing  should  include  nursing  activities
               ranging  from  disaster  prevention  to  initial,  medium,  and  long  term

               nursing care.

               Objectives of disaster nursing management

                     To  effectively  reduce  the  impact  of  disaster  on  human  life  and

                     To participate in the coordinated efforts of all groups to reduce loss
                      of life, property damage, social and economic disruption, and

                     To initiate rehabilitation.

               Role of Community Health Nurse

               According to levels of Disaster Prevention

                      The  community  health  nurse  has  a  pivotal  role  in  preventing,
               preparing for, responding to, and supporting recovery from a disaster.

               The  role  of  Community  Health  Nurse  in  disaster  management  varies

               according to the different phase of disaster management.

               Three level of prevention can be applied in disaster nursing:.

                     During the Primary Level,  CHN aimed to increase the community

                      awareness she  act as a teacher to educates people about safety and
                      security  focused  on  preventing  a  disaster,  teach  community

                      members how to protect themselves from it.

                     During  the  Secondary  Level,  CHN  must  focus  on  the  earliest
                      possible detection and management. She can provide interventions

                      like  immediate  rescue,  prevention  of  additional  injury  or  death
                      after initial occurrence, first-aid.

                     During  the  Tertiary  Level  she  acts  to  reduce  the  amount  and
                      degree of disability or damage resulting from the disaster.

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