Page 318 - fourth year book
P. 318
Goal: Provide the community with graduate nurses who are equipped
with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to conduct advanced
role of community health nursing.
Intended Learning Objectives of Course (ILOs)
a. Knowledge and Understanding:
1. Define components of community health practices.
2. List the traditional roles of community health nurses.
3. List the expanded roles of community health nurses.
b. Intellectual Skills:
1. Explain the challenges for the future.
2. Discuss the expanded roles of community health nurses.
c. Professional and Practical Skills
1. Compare the actual role of community health nurse with the ideal role .
2. Provide nursing care based on the assessment and identification of needs
and problems of the community.
3. Assess expanded roles of community health nurses.
d. General and Transferable Skills:
1. Apply nursing care plan according to identified needs.
2. Apply assessment techniques.
3. Apply communication techniques.
4. Use ethical consideration.