Page 315 - fourth year book
P. 315
According to application of nursing process:
1. Assess the community
Assessment - the local climate conducive for disaster occurrence,
past history of disasters in the community, available community
disaster plans and resources, personnel available in the community
for the disaster plans and management, local agencies and
organizations involved in the disaster management activities,
availability of health care facilities in the community etc.
2. Diagnose community disaster threats
Determine the actual and potential disaster threats (eg; explosions,
mass accidents, tornados, floods, earthquakes etc).
3. Community disaster planning
Develop a disaster plan to prevent or deal with identified disaster
Identify local community communication system
Identify disaster personnel, including private and professional
volunteers, local emergency personnel, agencies and resources
Identify regional back up agencies and personnel
Identify specific responsibilities for various personnel involved in
the disaster plans
Set up an emergency medical system and chain for activation
Identify location and accessibility of equipment and supplies
Check proper functioning of emergency equipments
Identify outdated supplies and replenish for appropriate use.
4. Implement disaster plans
Focus on primary prevention activities to prevent occurrence of
manmade disasters
Practice community disaster plans with all personnel carrying out
their previously identified responsibilities (e.g.: emergency triage ,
providing supplies such as food, water, medicine, crises and grief
Practice using equipment; obtaining and distributing supplies