Page 328 - fourth year book
P. 328
During your field of experience in community health nursing
department you were assigned to provide nursing care for the following
Social conditions:
The family is composed of 3 members living at traditional rural house in
extended family. They have electricity and running water but poorly
ventilated and unclean housing condition with the presence of flies and
mosquitoes. In addition, they breed animals in the same household and
straw was stored on the roof. They also used to wash their cooking
utensils in the canal water.
Family members:
1. Father: 45 years old, he works at Spinning and Textile Company.
Lately he started feeling exhausted, tired easily, chest pain and
complains from coughing bloody sputum.
2. Mother: 35 years old, pregnant 8 months. She complains of blurring
of vision, severe headache, oedema of face and leg. She decided to
deliver at home.
3. Mona: 5 years old, she complains of runny nose, cough, red and
watery eyes and small white spots inside the cheeks.