Page 128 - It Ends with Us
P. 128

I  hug  hi m  back  and   say,  “It’s  fine.   You’re  here.   It  was  per fect.”  I’m

                giddy with  ex citem ent  tha t he  made  it at all.
                    “You’re per fec t,” he  says, kissing  me.
                    Allysa   brushes     past   us.   “You’re   per fect ,”   she   mimics.   “Hey    R yle,
                gues s wha t?”
                    R yle  rel ea ses  me.  “Wha t?”
                    Allysa  grabs  the   trash  can  and   drops  it  on  the  count er.  “Lily  need s

                to hi re  more  em ployees .”
                    I  laugh  at  her  cons tant   rep et ition.   R yle  squeez es   my  ha nd   and   says,
                “Sound s like  busines s was good.”
                    I  shru g.  “I  can’t  complain.   I  mea n    .  .  .  I’m  no   brai n  surgeo n,   but
                I’m pret ty good at wha t I do.”
                    R yle  laughs . “You guys need  any  hel p clea ni ng  up?”
                    Allysa  and   I  put  hi m  to  work,  hel ping   us  clea n  up  after  the  big  day.

                We    get    ev er ythi ng    fini shed    and    prep ped    for   tomorro w,   and    then
                Marsha ll  arri ves  just  as  we’re    fini shi ng   up.  He’s  carr ying   a  bag  when
                he   walks   ins ide   and    drops   it   on   the   count er.   He   beg ins    to   pull   out
                hu ge  lumps  of  some  kind   of  materi al  and   tosses   them   at  ea ch  of  us.  I
                catch  mine  and  unf old it.
                    It’s a  onesie.

                    Wi th  kittens  all over  it.
                    “Bruins  game.  Free  beer. Suit up, tea m!”
                    Allysa  groans   and   says,  “Marsha ll,  you  made  six  million  dollars  thi s
                yea r. Do we  real ly need  free  beer?”
                    He    sho ves    a   fing er   agains t   her   lips,   pushi ng    them    in   opposite
                direc tions . “Shh!  Don’t spea k like  a rich  girl, Issa. Blasphem y.”
                    She   laughs    and    Marsha ll   grabs    the   ones ie   out   of   her   ha nd .   He

                unz ips  it  and   hel ps  her   int o  it.  Onc e  we’re   all  suited   up,  we  lock  the
                door and  hea d to the  bar.
                    I’ve  nev er  in  my  life  seen  so  many   men  in  ones ies .  Allysa  and   I  are
                the   onl y   women    wea ring    them ,   but   I   kind    of   like   tha t.   It’s   loud.   So
                loud,  and  ea ch  time  the  Bruins  make  a  good  play,  Allysa  and   I  ha ve  to
                cover  our  ea rs from the  screa ms. After  about ha lf an  ho ur, a booth  on

                the  top floor opens  up and  we all run  upstairs to claim it.
                    “Much  bet ter,”  Allysa  says  as  we  slide  in.   It’s  much  quiet er  up  here,
                altho ugh  still loud compared  to no rmal stand ards.
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