Page 131 - It Ends with Us
P. 131

Allysa  shru gs.  “Oh  yea h.   So  Marsha ll  walked   over  to  me,   pulled   me

                off   the   bed ,   kissed    me   with   the   same   mouth   he   was   just   kissing    the
                floozy  with,   and  we  made  out  for  ha lf  an  ho ur.  R yle  walked  in  on  us
                and   started   screa ming   at  Marsha ll.  Then  Marsha ll  pushed   R yle  out  of
                my    bed room,     locked    the   door,   and    made   out   with   me   for   ano ther
                ho ur.”
                    R yle  is sha king  hi s hea d. “Bet rayed  by my bes t friend .”

                    Marsha ll pulls Allysa to hi m. “I like  her, you stupid fuck-face. ”
                    I   laugh,   but   R yle   turns    to   me   with   a   seri ous   look   on   hi s   face.    “I
                didn’t  spea k  to  hi m  for    an   ent ire   mont h,   I  was  so  mad.  I  ev ent ually
                got over  it. We  were  ei ght een,  she  was sev ent een.  Wasn’t much  I could
                do in  the  way of keep ing  them  apart.”
                    “Wow,” I say. “I somet imes  forget  ho w close  in  age  you two are. ”
                    Allysa  smiles   and   says,  “Three    kids  in  three   yea rs.  I  feel   so  sorr y  for

                my parent s.”
                    The  table  grows  quiet .  I  see  an  apologet ic  look  pass  from  Allysa  to
                R yle.
                    “Three?”  I ask. “You ha ve  ano ther  sibling ?”
                    R yle  straight ens  up and  takes  a sip of hi s beer. He  set s it back down
                on  the  table  and  says, “We  ha d an  older  brother. He  passed  away when

                we  were  kids.”
                    Such   a   great    night ,   ruined   by   a   simple   question.   Luckily,   Marsha ll
                red irec ts the  conv ers ation  like a pro.
                    I   spend    the   res t   of   the   ev eni ng    listeni ng    to   stories    about   them
                growing  up. I’m no t sure  I’ve  ev er  laughed  as ha rd as I ha ve toni ght .
                    When     the  game  is  over,  we  all  walk  back  to  the  sho p  to  ret riev e  our
                cars.  R yle  said  he   caught   an  Uber     over   ea rlier,  so  he’l l  just  ride  with

                me.    Before    Allysa   and    Marsha ll   lea ve,    I   tel l   her   to   ho ld   on.    I   run
                ins ide  the   store   and   grab  the   stea mpunk   flowers   and   run  them   back
                to thei r car. Her  face  light s up when  I ha nd  them  to her.
                    “I’m ha ppy you’re  preg na nt  but tha t’s no t why  I’m giving  you thes e
                flowers . I just want  you to ha ve  them . Bec ause  you’re  my bes t friend .”
                    Allysa  squeez es   me  and   whi spers   in  my  ea r.  “I  ho pe  he  marri es   you

                somed ay. We’l l be  ev en  bet ter  sisters .”
                    She   climbs    ins ide   the   car   and    they    lea ve,    and    I   just   stand    there
                watchi ng   them   bec ause  I  don’t  kno w  tha t  I’ve  ev er     ha d  a  friend   like
                her   in   my   who le   life.    Maybe   it’s   the   wine.    I   don’t   kno w,   but   I   love
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