Page 132 - It Ends with Us
P. 132

today.   Ever ythi ng    about   it.   I   es pec ially   love   ho w   R yle   looks,   lea ni ng

                agains t my car, watchi ng  me.
                    “You’re  rea lly bea utiful when  you’re  ha ppy.”
                    Ugh!  Thi s day ! Per fect!

                                                           •  •  •

                We’re  making   our  way  up  the   stairs  to  my  apartment   when   R yle  grabs
                my    waist   and    pushes    me   agains t   the   wall.   He   just   starts   kissing    me,
                right  there  in  the  stair wel l.
                    “Impatient ,” I mutter.

                    He  laughs   and   cups  my  ass  with  both  of  hi s  ha nd s.  “Nope.   It’s  thi s
                ones ie.   You  rea lly  sho uld  cons ider    making   thi s  your    busines s  attire. ”
                He  kisses   me  again  and   does n’t  stop  kissing   me  unt il  someo ne  passes
                us, hea ding  down  the  stairs.
                    The  guy  mumbles ,  “Nice  one sies ,”  as  he  squeez es   past  us.  “Did  the
                Bruins  win?”
                    R yle  no ds.  “Three    to  one, ”  he   res pond s,  witho ut  looking   up  at  the

                    “Nice, ” the  guy says.
                    Onc e  he’s  gone,   I  step   away  from  R yle.   “Wha t  is  thi s  ones ie  thi ng ?
                Does  ev er y male  in  Boston  kno w about thi s?”
                    He  laughs   and   says,  “Free  bee r,  Lily.  It’s  free  beer.”  He  pulls  me  up

                the   stairs,   and    when   we   walk   in   the   door,   Lucy   is   stand ing    at   the
                kitchen    table   taping   up  a  box  of  her    stuff.  There’ s  ano ther     box  she
                ha sn’t  taped   up  yet   and   I  could  swea r    I  see   a  bowl  tha t  I  bought   at
                HomeG oods  sticking   out  of  the  top.  She  said  she’d   ha ve  all  her         stuff
                out by nex t week , but I ha ve  a feel ing  she’l l conv eni ent ly ha ve  some  of
                my stuff out, too.
                    “Who  are  you?” she  asks, looking  R yle  up and  down.
                    “R yle  Kinc aid. I’m Lily’s boyfriend .”

                    Li ly’s boyfriend.
                    Did you hea r tha t?
                    Bo yfriend.
                    It’s  the   firs t  time   he’s  confirmed      it,  and   he   said  it  so  confid ent ly.
                “My boyfriend , hu h?”  I walk into the  kitchen  and  grab a bottle  of wine

                and  two wineg lasses .
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