Page 137 - It Ends with Us
P. 137

“Tha t’s bec ause  you make  it easy,”  he  says, sliding  a ha nd  ins ide  the

                back  of  my  shi rt.  “It’s  ea sy  being   with  you.  I  can  still  ha ve  the   career
                I’ve  always  want ed ,  but  you  make  it  ten  times   bet ter  with  the  way  you
                support  me.   When       I’m  with  you,  I  feel   like  I  get   to  ha ve  my  cake  and
                ea t it, too.”
                    Now    both   of   hi s   ha nd s   are   benea th   my   shi rt,   pres sed    agains t   my
                back.  He  pulls  me  toward  hi m  and   kisses   me.   I  grin  agains t  hi s  mouth

                and  whi sper, “Is it the  bes t cake  you’ve  ev er  tasted ?”
                    One  of  hi s  ha nds  moves   to  the  back  of  my  bra  and   he  unf astens   it
                with  ea se.   “I’m  pret ty  sure,   but  maybe  I  need   ano ther  taste  of  it  to  be
                positive. ”   He   pulls   my   shi rt   and    bra   over   my   hea d.   I   beg in   to   push
                mysel f off of hi m so I can  pull off my jea ns , but he  pulls me  back ont o
                hi s  lap.  He  grab s  hi s  stet ho scope  and   puts  it  in  hi s  ea rs,  then  pres ses
                the  diaphra gm agains t my ches t, right  over  my hea rt.

                    “Wha t’s got your hea rt so worked  up, Lily?”
                    I   shru g   inno cent ly.   “It   might   ha ve   a   little   to   do   with   you,   Dr.
                Kinc aid.”
                    He  drops  the  end   of  the  stet hoscope  and   then        lifts  me  off  of  hi m,
                pushi ng    me    back   ont o   the   couch.    He   sprea ds    my   leg s   and    kneel s
                down  on  the  couch  bet ween  them , placing  the  stet ho scope  agains t my

                ches t   again.    He    uses    hi s   other   ha nd    to   ho ld   hi msel f   up   as   he
                cont inu es  listeni ng  to my hea rt.
                    “I’d say you’re  at about ni net y bea ts per  minu te, ” he  says.
                    “Is tha t good or bad?”
                    He  grins   and   lowers   hi msel f  on  top  of  me.   “I’ll  be  satisfied   when  it
                rea ches  one  forty.”
                    Yea h.  If it rea ches  140, I’m thi nk ing  I’ll be  satisfied , too.

                    He  lowers  hi s  mouth  to  my  ches t  and   my  ey es   fall  shu t  when     I  feel
                hi s  tong ue  slide  across  my  brea st.  He  takes   me  in  hi s  mouth,   keep ing
                the   stet ho scope   pres sed   against  my  ches t  the     ent ire   time.   “You’re   at
                about  one     hu nd red   no w,”  he   says.  He  wraps  the     stet ho scope  around
                hi s  nec k  again  and   then    pulls  back,  unb uttoni ng   my  jea ns .  Onc e  he
                slides   them   off  of  me,   he  turns  me  over  unt il  I’m  on  my  stomach,   my

                arms draped  over  the  arm of the  couch.
                    “Get  on  your knees ,” he  says.
                    I   do   wha t   he   says   and    bef ore   I’m   ev en   adjusted ,   I   feel    the   cold
                met al  of  the  stet ho scope  meet   my  ches t  again,   thi s  time  with  hi s  arm
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