Page 138 - It Ends with Us
P. 138

sna ked    around     me   from    behi nd .   I   rem ain   still   as   he   listens    to   my

                hea rtbea t.   His   other   ha nd    slowly   beg ins    to   find    its   way   bet ween   my
                leg s   and    then   ins ide   my   pant ies    and    then   inside   of   me.    I   grip   the
                couch  but  try  to  keep   the  no ises   to  a  mini mum  whi le  he  listens   to  my
                hea rt.
                    “One  hu nd red  and  ten, ” he  says, still uns atisfied .
                    He  pulls  my  hi ps  back  to  meet   hi m  and   then  I  can  feel   hi m  freei ng

                hi msel f from hi s scrubs. He  grips my hi p with  one  ha nd  while  sho ving
                my  pant ies   aside  with  the  other.  Then  he  pushes   for ward  unt il  he’s  all
                the  way ins ide  of me.
                    I’m  grasping   the  couch  with  two  des pera te  fis ts  when        he  pauses   to
                listen   to   my   hea rt   again.    “Lily,”   he   says   with   mock   disappoint ment .
                “One  twent y. Not quite  where  I want  you.”
                    The    stet ho scope   disappea rs     again   and    hi s   arm   curls   around    my

                waist. His ha nd  slides  down  my stomach  and  set tles  bet ween  my leg s. I
                can  no   long er  keep   up  with  hi s  rhy thm .  I  can  barel y  ev en  stay  on  my
                knees .  He’s  someho w  ho lding  me          up  with   one   ha nd   and   des troying
                me  in  the  bes t  possible  way  with  hi s  other  ha nd .  Right   whe n  I  start  to
                tremb le,   he  pulls  me  upright   unt il  my  back  meet s  hi s  ches t.  He’s  still
                ins ide   me,   but  no w  he’s  focused   on     my  hea rt  again    as  he   moves   hi s

                stet ho scope  around  to the  front  of my ches t.
                    I let  out a moan  and  he  pres ses  hi s lips to my ea r. “Shh.  No no ises .”
                    I   ha ve   no    idea    ho w   I   make   it   thro ugh   the   nex t   thi rty   sec ond s
                witho ut  making  ano ther        sound.  One      of  hi s  arms  is  wrapped   around
                me    with  the   stet ho scope   pres sed   to  my  ches t.  His  other    arm  is  tight
                agains t  my  stomach  as  hi s  ha nd   cont inu es   its  magic  bet wee n  my  leg s.
                He’s    still   someho w   deep    ins ide   me   and    I’m   trying    to   move   agains t

                hi m,  but  he’s  rock  solid  as  the   trem ors  beg in  to  rush  thro ugh  me.   My
                leg s are  sha king  and  my ha nd s are  at my sides , gripping  the  tops of hi s
                thi ghs    as   it   takes    ev er y   ounc e   of   my   streng th   no t   to   screa m   out   hi s
                na me.
                    I’m  still  sha king   when   he   lifts  my  ha nd   and   places   the   diaphra gm
                agains t  my  wrist.  After  sev era l  sec ond s,  he  pulls  the  stet ho scope  away

                and  tosses  it to the  floor. “One  fif ty,”  he  says with  satisfaction.  He  pulls
                out  of  me  and   flips  me  ont o  my  back  and   then        hi s  mouth  is  on  mine
                and  he’s ins ide  me  again.
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