Page 140 - It Ends with Us
P. 140

moved   to  Eng land   a  few   yea rs  ago.  And   tha t  they   were  in  Australia  on

                vacation,  but tha t was like  a mont h  ago.”
                    He  laughs .  “My  mother?        Wel l  .  .  .  my  mother   is  ver y  over bea ring .
                Ver y   judgment al,    es pec ially   of   the   peo ple   she   loves    the   most.   She’s
                nev er   missed    a   sing le   chu rch   ser vice.    And    I   ha ve   nev er   hea rd   her
                ref er  to my father  as any thi ng  other  tha n  Dr. Kinc aid.”
                    Des pite  the  warni ng s, he  smiles the  who le  time  he  talks about her.

                    “Your father  is a doctor, too?”
                    He   no ds.   “Psychi atrist.   He   chose   a   fiel d   tha t   also   allowed    hi m   to
                ha ve  a no rmal life.  Smart man. ”
                    “Do they  ev er  visit you in  Boston?”
                    “Not  rea lly.  My  mother  ha tes   flying ,  so  Allysa  and   I  fly  to  England   a
                couple     of   times    a   yea r.   She   does    want    to   meet    you,   tho ugh,    so   you
                might  be  going  with  us on  the  nex t trip.”

                    I grin.  “You’ve  told your mother  about me?”
                    “Of   course, ”   he   says.   “Thi s   is   kind    of   a   monu ment al   thing ,   you
                kno w.  Me  ha ving   a  girlfriend .  She     calls  me  ev er y  day  to  make  sure     I
                ha ven’t screw ed  it up someho w.”
                    I   laugh,   whi ch   makes    hi m   rea ch   for   hi s   pho ne.    “You   thi nk    I’m
                kidding ?  I  guarant ee  she     someho w  brought   you  up  in  the         voice  mail

                she  just  lef t.”  He  pres ses   a  few   key s  and   then   beg ins   to  play  the  voice
                    “Hey,   sweethe ar t!   It’s   your   mom.   Hav en’t   spoken   to   you   since   yesterday.
                Miss  you.  Give  Li ly  a  hu g  for  me.  You  do   still  see  he r,  right ?  Allysa  say s  you
                can ’t stop tal king ab out he r. She  is still your girlfriend,  right ? Ok ay. Gretche n’s
                he re, we’re hav ing hi gh  tea.  Lo ve you. Kiss kiss.”
                    I   pres s   my   face   agains t   hi s   ches t   and    laugh.    “We’v e   onl y   been

                dating  a few  mont hs . How much  do you talk about me?”
                    He   pulls   my   ha nd    up   bet ween   us   and    kisses    it.   “Too   much,    Lily.
                Way too much. ”
                    I   smile.    “I   can’t   wait   to   mee t   them .   Not   onl y   did   they    raise   an
                inc red ible  daught er, but they  made  you. Tha t’s pret ty impres sive. ”
                    His arms tight en  around  me  and  he  kisses  the  top of my hea d.

                    “Wha t was your brother’ s na me?”  I ask hi m.
                    I  can  feel   a  slight   stiffnes s  in  hi m  after  I  ask  tha t.  I  reg ret   bring ing
                it up, but it’s too late  to take  it back.
                    “Emers on. ”
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