Page 135 - It Ends with Us
P. 135
Chapter Thirteen
Ryle: Are you at home or still at work?
Me: Work. Should be done in about an hour.
Ryle: Can I come see you?
Me: You know how people say there is no such thing as a stupid question?
They’re wrong. That was a stupid question.
Ryle: :)
Half an ho ur later, he’s kno cking at the front door of the floral sho p.
I closed the sho p almost three ho urs ago, but I’m still her e, trying to
get caught up on the cha os that was the firs t mont h. The store is still
too new to get an accurate projec tion of ho w wel l or ho w bad it’s
doing . Some days are grea t and some are so slow I send Allysa ho me.
But overa ll, I’m ha ppy with ho w it’s gone so far.
And ha ppy with ho w thi ng s are going with R yle.
I unl ock the door to let hi m in. He’s in light blue scrubs again, and
he still has a stet ho scope around hi s nec k. Fres h from work. Ver y ni ce
touch. I swea r, ev er y time I see hi m straight off a shi ft, I ha ve to hi de
the stupid grin on my face. I give hi m a quick kiss and then turn back
toward my offic e. “I ha ve a few thi ng s to fini sh up and then we can go
back to my place. ”
He follows me int o my office and closes the door. “You got a
couch?” he asks, looking around my offic e.
I’ve spent some of thi s week putting the fini shi ng touches on it. I
bought a couple of lamps so I don’t ha ve to turn on the overpoweri ng
fluores cent light s. The lamps give the room a soft glow. I also bought
a few plant s to keep here perm anent ly. It’s no garden, but it’s as close
as it get s. It’s come a long way sinc e thi s room was bei ng used as
storage for veg et able crates .
R yle walks over to the couch and falls down ont o it, face- firs t. “Take
your time, ” he mumbles int o the pillow. “I’ll just na p unt il you’re
fini shed .”