Page 130 - It Ends with Us
P. 130

Onc e   the   parent s-to-be    stop  making   out  in     the   booth,   R yle   and   I

                both    stand   up  and   cong ratulate     them .  Allysa  said  she’s  been      feel ing
                sick   for   a   whi le,    but   just   took   a   tes t   thi s   morni ng    bef ore   our   grand
                openi ng .  She    was  going   to  wait  and   tel l  Marsha ll  toni ght   when     they
                got ho me,  but she  couldn’t ho ld it in  for ano ther  sec ond .
                    Our  drink s  come  and   we  order  food.  Onc e  the  waitres s  walks  away,
                I look at Marsha ll. “How did you two meet ?”

                    He  says, “Allysa tel ls the  story bet ter  tha n  I do.”
                    Allysa  perk s  up  and   lea ns   for ward.  “I  ha ted   hi m,”  she  says.  “He  was
                R yle’s  bes t  frien d  and   he  was  always  at  the  ho use.   I  tho ught  he  was  so
                anno ying .  He  ha d  just  moved   to  Ohi o  from  Boston  and   he           ha d  tha t
                Boston  accent .  He  tho ught   it  made  hi m  so  cool  but  I  just  want ed   to
                slap hi m ev er y time  he  spoke. ”
                    “She’s so sweet ,” Marsha ll says, sarcastically.

                    “You  were     an   idiot,”   Allysa  replies ,  rolling   her   ey es .  “Any way,  one
                day  R yle   and   I  ha d  a  few   friend s  over.  Nothi ng   big,  but  our  parent s
                were  out of town,  so of course  we  ha d a little  get -toget her.”
                    “There  were  thi rty peo ple  there, ” R yle  says. “It was a party.”
                    “Okay,  a  party,”  Allysa  says.  “I  walked   int o  the  kitchen  and   Marsha ll
                was stand ing  there  pres sed  up agains t some  floozy.”

                    “She    wasn’t   a   floozy,”   he   says.   “She   was   a   ni ce   girl.   Tasted    like
                Cheet os, but . . .”
                    Allysa glares  at hi m so he  shu ts up. She  turns  back to me.  “I lost it,”
                she  says.  “I  started   yel ling   at  hi m  to  take  hi s  who res   to  hi s  own  ho use.
                The    girl   was   litera lly   so   terri fied    of   me,    she   ran   for   the   door   and
                didn’t come  back.”
                    “Cock blocker,” Marsha ll says.

                    Allysa  punc hes   hi m  in  the  sho ulder.  “Any way.  After  I  cock  blocked
                hi m,  I  ran  to  my  room,  em barra ssed   tha t  I  did  tha t.  It  was  out  of  pure
                jea lousy,  and   I  didn’t  ev en  realize  I  liked   hi m  tha t  way  unt il  I  saw  hi s
                ha nd s  on  some  other      girl’s  ass.  I  threw   mysel f  on  my  bed   and   started
                crying . A few  minu tes  later, he  walked  int o my room and  asked  me  if I
                was okay. I rolled  over  and  yel led , ‘I like you, you stupid fuck-face! ’ ”

                    “And  the  res t is hi story . . .” Marsha ll says.
                    I laugh.  “Awe.  Stupid fuck-face.  How sweet .”
                    R yle  ho lds up a fing er  and  says, “You’re  lea ving  out the  bes t part.”
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