Page 133 - It Ends with Us
P. 133

R yle  comes   up  behi nd   me  as  I’m  pouring   the  wine  and   sna kes   hi s

                arms around  my waist. “Yep . Your boyfriend .”
                    I ha nd  hi m a glass of wine  and  say, “So I’m a girlfriend ?”
                    He  ho lds up hi s glass and  clinks it agains t mine.  “To the  end  of trial
                runs  and  the  beg inni ng  of sure  thi ng s.”
                    We’re  both  smiling  as we  take  a drink  of our wine.
                    Lucy    stacks   the   boxes    toget her   and    walks   toward   the   front    door.

                “Looks like  I got out right  in  time, ” she  says.
                    The   door    closes    behi nd    her   and    R yle   raises    an   ey eb row.   “I   don’t
                thi nk  your roommate  likes  me  ver y much. ”
                    “You’d     be   surprised .   I   didn’t   thi nk    she   liked    me,    ei ther,   but
                yes terd ay   she   asked    me   to   be   a   brides maid   in   her   wed ding .   I   thi nk
                she’s just ho ping  for free  flowers , tho ugh.  She’s ver y opportuni stic.”
                    R yle   laughs    and    lea ns    agains t   the   ref rigera tor.   His   ey es    fall   to   a

                magnet     tha t   says   “Bo ston”   on   it.   He   pulls   it   off   the   ref rigera tor   and
                raises    an   ey eb row.   “You’ll   nev er   get    out   of   Boston   purgatory   if   you
                keep  souveni rs of Boston  on  your fridge  like  a tourist.”
                    I  laugh  and   grab  the  magnet ,  slapping   it  back  on  the  fridge.   I  like
                tha t   he    remembers    so   much    about    the   firs t   ni ght    we   met .   “It   was   a
                gift. It onl y count s as touristy if I bought  it mysel f.”

                    He  step s  over  to  me  and   takes   my  glass  of  wine  from  my  ha nd s.  He
                set s both  of our  glasses  on  the  count ert op, and  then  lea ns  in  and  gives
                me  a  deep ,  passiona te,   drunk en      kiss.  I  can  taste  the   tart  fruitines s  of
                the  wine  on  hi s tong ue  and  I like  it. His ha nd s go to the  zipper  on  my
                ones ie.  “Let ’s get  you out of thes e  clothes .”
                    He    pulls   me    toward     the   bedroom,      kissing    me    whi le   we   both
                struggle  out  of  our  clothes .  By  the      time  we  make  it  to  my  bed room,

                I’m down  to my bra and  pant ies .
                    He  sho ves   me  agains t  the    door,  and   I  gasp  at  the   unex pec ted nes s
                of it.
                    “Don’t  move, ”  he  says.  He  pres ses   hi s  lips  to  my  ches t,  then   beg ins
                to kiss me  slowly as he  makes  his way down  my body.
                    Oh,  Lo rd.  Can  thi s day  seriously get an y better?

                    I run  my ha nd s thro ugh  hi s hair, but he  grabs my wrists and  pres ses
                them     agains t   the   door.   He   climbs   back   up   my   body,    squeez ing    my
                wrists tight ly. He  raises  an  ey eb row in  warni ng . “I said . . . don’t move. ”
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