Page 139 - It Ends with Us
P. 139
My body is too wea k to move and I can’t ev en open my ey es and
watch hi m. He thru sts agains t me sev era l times and then ho lds still,
groani ng int o my mouth. He drops on top of me, tens e, yet sha king .
He kisses my nec k and then his lips meet the tattoo of the hea rt on
my collarbone. He fina lly set tles agains t my nec k and sighs .
“Have I alrea dy ment ioned toni ght ho w much I like you?” he asks.
I laugh. “Onc e or twice. ”
“Cons ider thi s the thi rd time, ” he says. “I like you. Ever ythi ng
about you, Lily. Bei ng ins ide of you. Bei ng outside of you. Bei ng nea r
you. I like it all.”
I smile, loving ho w hi s words feel agains t my skin. Ins ide my hea rt.
I open my mouth to tel l hi m I like hi m, too, but my voice is cut off by
the sound of hi s pho ne.
He groans agains t my nec k and then pulls out of me and rea ches
for hi s pho ne. He pulls hi s scrubs back int o place and laughs as he
looks at hi s caller ID.
“It’s my mother,” he says, lea ni ng over and kissing the top of my
knee that’s res ting agains t the back of the couch. He tosses the pho ne
aside and then stand s and walks over to my des k, grabbing a box of
tissues .
Thi s is always awkward, ha ving to clea n up after sex . But I can’t say
it’s ev er been thi s awkward before, kno wing hi s mother is on the other
end of tha t ring .
Onc e all my clothes are back in place, he pulls me agains t hi m on
the couch and I lie down on top of hi m, res ting my hea d on hi s ches t.
It’s after ten now and I’m so comfortable I deb ate just sleep ing
here for the ni ght . R yle’s pho ne makes ano ther no ise, alert ing hi m to
a new voice mail. The tho ught of seei ng hi m int era ct with hi s mother
makes me smile. Allysa talks about thei r parent s some, but I’ve nev er
rea lly talked to R yle about the m bef ore.
“Do you get along with your parent s?”
His arm is stroking mine gen tly. “Yea h, I do. They ’re good peo ple.
We hi t a rough patch when I was a teena ger, but we worked thro ugh
it. I talk to my mother almost daily no w.”
I fold my arms over hi s ches t and res t my chi n on them , looking up
at hi m. “Wi ll you tel l me more about your mother? Allysa told me they