Page 194 - It Ends with Us
P. 194

I’d  have  just  left,  would  tha t  no t  be  going   agains t  our  marri age  vows?

                For better or for worse. I ref use  to give  up on  my marriage  tha t ea sily.
                    I am a strong  woman.  I’ve  been  around  abusive  situations  my who le
                life.   I  will  nev er  bec ome  my  mother.  I  bel iev e  tha t  a  hu nd red   perc ent .
                And     R yle   will   nev er   bec ome   my    father.   I   thi nk    we   ne ed ed    wha t
                ha ppened   on      the   stair wel l  to  ha ppen   so  tha t  I  would  kno w  hi s  past
                and  we’d  be  able  to work on  it toget her.

                    Last week  we  got int o ano ther  fig ht .
                    I   was   scared .   The   other   two   fig ht s   we’d    gotten   int o   did   no t   end
                wel l,   and   I   knew    thi s   would   be   a   tes tament    to   whet her   or   no t   our
                agreement      for me  to hel p hi m thro ugh  hi s ang er  would work.
                    We  were   discussing   hi s  career.  He’s  fini shed   with  hi s  res idenc y  no w
                and   there’ s  a  three- mont h  specialized   course  in  Cambridge,  Eng land ,
                he  applied   for.  He’l l  find   out  soon  if  he  was  approved ,  but  tha t’s  no t

                why   I  was  upset .  It’s  a  grea t  opportuni ty  and   I’d  nev er  ask  hi m  no t  to
                go. Three  mont hs  is no thi ng  with  ho w busy we  are,  so tha t wasn’t ev en
                wha t   got   me   so   upset .   I   bec ame   upset    when   he   discussed    wha t   he
                want ed  to do af ter the  Cambridge  trip was over.
                    He  was  offered   a  job  in  Minnes ota  at  the  Mayo  Clini c  and   he  want s
                us   to   move   there.    He   said   Mass   Genera l    is   rated    the   sec ond    bes t

                neu rological ho spital in  the  world. Mayo Clini c is nu mber  one.
                    He  said he  nev er  int end ed  to stay in  Boston  forev er. I told hi m tha t
                would  ha ve  been      a  good  subjec t  to  bring   up  when      we  discussed   our
                futures   on  the  flight   to  get   marri ed   in  Veg as.  I  can’t  lea ve  Boston.   My
                mother  lives   here.   Allysa  lives   here.   He  told  me  it  was  onl y  a  fiv e- ho ur
                flight   and   tha t  we  could  visit  as  often  as  we  want ed .  I  told  hi m  it  was
                pret ty ha rd to run  a floral busines s when  you live  sev era l states  away.

                    The  fig ht  cont inu ed  to es calate  and  both  of us were  get ting  ang rier
                by  the  sec ond .  At  one  point ,  he  kno cked   a  vase  full  of  flowers   off  the
                table  and  ont o  the  floor.  We  both  just  stared   at  them   for  a  moment .  I
                was   scared ,   wond eri ng    if   I   ha d   made   the   right    dec ision   to   stay.   To
                trust  tha t  we  could  work  on  hi s  ang er  issues   toget her.  He  took  a  deep
                brea th  and   he  said,  “I’m  going   to  lea ve  for  an  ho ur  or  two.  I  thi nk   I

                need  to walk away. When  I get  back, we’l l cont inu e  thi s discussion. ”
                    He   walked   out  the    door    and ,  true   to  hi s  word,  he   came   back  an
                ho ur   later   when    he   was   much    calmer.   He    dropped     hi s   key s   on   the
                table  and   then    walked   straight  to  where      I  was  stand ing .  He  took  my
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