Page 199 - It Ends with Us
P. 199
I run to the front door and swing it open and we both hu g and
squea l and I might ev en cry a little more.
We spend the res t of the ev eni ng at our new apartment . R yle
orders Chi nes e takeo ut and Marsha ll comes down to ea t with us. We
ha ve no tables or cha irs yet , so the four of us sit in the middle of the
living roo m floor and ea t straight out of the cont ainers . We talk about
ho w we’l l dec orate, we talk about all the nei ghb orly thi ng s we’l l do
toget her, we talk about Allysa’s impend ing del iver y.
It’s ev er ythi ng and more.
I can’t wait to tel l my mother.