Page 200 - It Ends with Us
P. 200
Chapter Twenty-Two
Allysa is three days overd ue.
We’v e lived in our new apartment for a week no w. We succes sfully
got all of our stuff moved the day R yle was off, and Allysa and I went
furni ture sho pping the sec ond day we moved in. We were practically
set tled by the thi rd day. We got our firs t piec e of mail yes terday. It was
a utility bill for es tablishi ng ser vice, so it fina lly feel s offic ial no w.
I’m marri ed . I ha ve a grea t husband . An awes ome ho use. My bes t
friend just ha ppens to be my sister-in- law and I’m about to be an aunt .
Dare I say it . . . but can my life get any bet ter?
I close my laptop and get rea dy to lea ve for the ev eni ng . I’ve been
lea ving ea rlier no w tha n I usually do bec ause I’m so ex cited to get
ho me to my new apartment . Just as I beg in to close my offic e door,
R yle uses hi s key to open the front door to the store. He let s the door
fall shu t behi nd hi m as he walks in with hi s ha nd s full.
There’ s a new spaper tucked und er hi s arm and two coffees in hi s
ha nd s. Des pite the frenz ied look about hi m and the urgenc y in hi s
step , he ’s smiling. “Lily,” he says, walking toward me. He sho ves one of
the coffees in my ha nd and then pulls the new spaper out from und er
hi s arm. “Three thi ng s. One . . . did you see the paper?” He ha nd s it
to me. The paper is folded ins ide- out. He point s at the article. “You
got it, Lily. You got it!”
I try no t to get my ho pes up as I look down at the article. He could
be talking about somet hi ng totally different from wha t I’m thi nk ing .
Onc e I rea d the hea dline, I rea lize he’s talking about exac tly wha t I was
thi nk ing . “I got it?”
I’d been no tified tha t my busines s was no mina ted for an award for
Bes t of Boston. It’s a peo ple’s cho ice awards the new spaper ho lds
annu ally, and Lily Bloom’s was no mina ted und er the “Bes t new
busines ses in Boston” categ ory. The criteri a are for busines ses tha t
ha ve been open les s tha n two yea rs. I ha d a suspicion I might ha ve