Page 203 - It Ends with Us
P. 203
R yle laughs . “She’s kicked my ass a time or two growing up. I
wouldn’t be surprised .”
“No cussing around R ylee, ” Marsha ll says.
“Ass,” R yle whi spers to her.
We both laugh and then he asks me if I want to ho ld her. I make
like I ha ve grabby ha nd s bec ause waiting for my turn ha s been killing
me. I pull her int o my arms and am sho cked by ho w much love I ha ve
for her alrea dy.
“When a re Mom and Dad coming in?” R yle asks Allysa.
“They ’ll be here by lunc h tomorro w.”
“I sho uld probably get some sleep then. Just got off a long shi ft.”
He looks back at me. “You coming with?”
I sha ke my hea d. “I want to ha ng out for a little whi le long er. Just
take my car and I’ll catch a cab ho me. ”
He kisses me on the side of my hea d and then res ts hi s hea d
agains t mine as we both look down at R ylee. “I thi nk we sho uld make
one of thes e, ” he says.
I glanc e up at hi m, no t sure if I hea rd hi m correc tly.
He winks. “If I’m asleep whe n you get ho me later, wake me up.
We’l l start on it toni ght .” He tel ls Marsha ll and Allysa goodbye and
Marsha ll walks hi m out.
I glanc e over at Allysa and she’s smiling . “I told you he’d want
babies with you.”
I grin and walk back over to her bed . She scoots over and makes
room for me. I ha nd R ylee back to her and we snu ggle toget her on
her bed and watch R ylee sleep , like it’s the most magni fic ent thi ng
we’v e ev er seen.