Page 207 - It Ends with Us
P. 207
I look down, ev en more conf used thi s time. But wha tev er will get us
past thi s and int o the bed . . .
“The busines s with the hi ghes t nu mber of votes sho uld come as no
surprise. The iconi c Bib’s on Market son opened in April of last yea r,
quickly bec oming one of the hi ghes t rated res taurant s in the city,
according to TripAdvisor.”
I stop rea ding and look up at R yle. He ha s poured hi msel f more
scotch and he’s swallowing a sip of it. “Keep rea ding ,” he says,
nu dging hi s hea d at the paper in my ha nd .
I swallow hea vily, the saliva in my mouth growing thi cker by the
sec ond . I try to cont rol the trem bling of my ha nd s as I cont inu e
rea ding . “The owner, Atlas Corri gan, is a two-time award-winni ng chef
and also a Uni ted States Marine. It’s no sec ret wha t the acrony m for
hi s hi ghl y succes sful res taurant, Bib’s, stand s for: Be tter In Bo ston.”
I gasp.
Ever ythi ng is better in Bo ston.
I clenc h my stomach, trying to keep my em otions und er cont rol as
I keep rea ding . “But when int er view ed reg arding hi s most rec ent
award, the chef fina lly rev ea led the true hi story of the mea ni ng
behi nd the na me. ‘It’s a long stor y,’ Chef Corri gan stated . ‘It was an
ho mag e to someone who had a hu ge impac t on my life. Someone who mean t a
lot to me. She still mean s a lot to me.’ ”
I put the new spaper on the count er. “I don’t want to rea d
any more. ” My voice cracks on its way up my thro at.
R yle takes two swift step s for ward and grabs the new spaper. He
picks up where I lef t off, hi s voice loud and ang ry no w. “When asked if
the girl was aware he na med a res taurant after her, Chef Corri gan
smiled kno wing ly and said, ‘Ne xt question.’ ”
The ang er in R yle’s voice makes me na useo us. “R yle, stop it,” I say
calmly. “You’ve ha d too much to drink .” I push past hi m and walk
quickly out of the kitchen toward the ha llway tha t lea ds to our
bed room. There’ s so much ha ppeni ng right no w and I’m no t sure I
und ers tand any of it.
The article nev er stated who Atlas was talking about. Atlas kno ws it
was me and I kno w it was me, but ho w in the hel l would R yle put two
and two toget her?