Page 212 - It Ends with Us
P. 212

of the  pho ne.

                    “I’ll  tex t  you,”  I  whi sper,  too  scared   to  keep   spea king .  I  don’t  want
                R yle  to wake  up. I ha ng  up the  pho ne  and  someho w find  the  streng th
                to  still  my  ha nd s  whi le  I  tex t  hi m  my  addres s  and   the  acces s  code  for
                ent ry.  Then    I  send   a  sec ond   tex t  tha t  says  Text  me  when  you  get  here.
                Pl ease don’t knock.

                    I   crawl   to   the   kitchen   and    find    my   pant s,   struggling    back   int o
                them.   I  find   my  shi rt  on  the   count er.  When      I’m  dres sed ,  I  go  to  the
                living   room.  I  deb ate  openi ng   the  door  and   meet ing   Atlas  downs tairs,
                but I’m too scared  I won’t be  able  to make  it down  to the  lobby alone.
                My  forehea d  is  still  bleed ing   and   I  feel   too  wea k  to  ev en  stand   up  and
                wait  by  the  door.  I  slide  to  the  floor,  clenc hi ng   my  pho ne  in  my  sha ky
                fis t and  staring  at it, waiting  for hi s tex t.

                    It’s  an   agoni zing   twent y-four   minu tes   later   when    my  pho ne     light s
                    I  scramble  to  my  feet   and   swing   open  the  door.  Arms  wrap  around
                me    and   my  face   is  pres sed   agains t  somet hi ng   soft.  I  just  start  crying

                and  crying  and  sha king  and  crying .
                    “Lily,”  he  whi spers .  I’ve  nev er   hea rd  my  na me  spoken  so  sadly.  He
                urges   me  to  look  up  at  hi m.  His  blue  ey es   scroll  over     my  face,   and   I
                see  it  ha ppen.   I  watch  the   conc ern    vani sh  as  he   darts  hi s  hea d  up  to
                the  apartment  door. “Is he  still in  there?”
                    Rag e.
                    I  can  feel   the  rage  come  off  of  hi m  and   he  starts  to  step   toward  the

                apartment   door.  I  grab  hi s  jacket   in  my  fis ts.  “No.  Pleas e,  Atlas.  I  just
                want  to lea ve. ”
                    I   see   the   pain   roll   over   hi m   as   he   pauses ,   struggling    to   dec ide
                whet her  to  listen  to  me  or  bust  thro ugh  the  door.  He  ev ent ually  turns
                away  from  the     door  and   wraps  hi s  arms  around   me.   He  hel ps  me  to
                the   el ev ator   and    then   thro ugh   the   lobby.   By   some   miracle,    we   onl y

                run    int o   one   pers on   and    he’s   on   hi s   pho ne   and    facing    the   other
                direc tion.
                    By  the   time  we  make  it  to  the    parking   garage,   I  start  to  feel   dizzy
                again.   I  tel l  hi m  to  slow  down,   and   then  I  feel   hi s  arm  wrap  und er  my
                knees    as   he   picks   me   up.   Then    we’re   in   the   car.   Then   the   car   is
                moving .
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