Page 208 - It Ends with Us
P. 208

And   the   magne t.  How  would  he  kno w  tha t  came  from  Atlas  just  by

                rea ding  tha t article?
                    He’s over reac ting.
                    I  can  hea r  hi m  following   me  as  I  walk  toward  the  bed room.  I  swing
                open  the  door and  come  to a sudden  ha lt.
                    The    bed    is   littered    with   thi ngs.   An   em pty   moving    box   with   the
                words, “Lily’s stuff,” written  on the  side  of it. And  then  all the  cont ent s

                tha t  were  ins ide  tha t  box.  Let ters   .  .  .  journa ls  .  .  .  em pty  sho eb oxes .  I
                close  my ey es  and  brea the  in  slowly.
                    He  rea d the  journa l.
                    No .
                    He. Read.  The . Journal .
                    His  arm  comes   around   my  waist  from  behi nd .  He  slides   a  ha nd   up
                my    stomach     and    takes    a   firm    ho ld   of   one   of   my   brea sts.   His   other

                ha nd  fea thers  my sho ulder  as he  moves  the  ha ir away from my nec k.
                    I  squeez e  my  eyes   shu t,  just  as  hi s  fing ers   beg in  to  trace  across  my
                skin,  up to my sho ulder. He  slowly runs  hi s fing er  over  the  hea rt and  a
                shu dder    runs   over   my  who le  body.  His  lips  meet   my  skin,   right   over
                the  tattoo, and  then  he  sink s his teet h  int o me  so ha rd, I screa m.
                    I  try  to  pull  away  from  hi m,  but  he  ha s  such  a  tight   grip  on  me  he

                does n’t  ev en  budge.   The  pain  from  hi s  teet h  pierc ing   my  collarbone
                rips   thr ough    my    sho ulder    and    down    my   arm.    I   immed iatel y   start
                crying . Sobbing.
                    “R yle,   let  me  go,”  I  say,  my  voice  plea ding .  “Plea se.   Walk  away.”  His
                arms are  cutting  int o mine  as he  ho lds me  tight ly from behi nd .
                    He  spins  me,   but  my  ey es   are  still  closed .  I’m  too  scared   to  look  at
                hi m. His ha nd s are  digging  into my sho ulders  as he  pushes  me  toward

                the  bed .  I  start  trying   to  fig ht   hi m  off  of  me,   but  it’s  usel es s.  He’s  too
                strong  for me.  He’s ang ry. He’s hu rt. And  he ’s not R yle.
                    My   back    meet s   the   bed    and    I   frant ically   scoot   back   toward   the
                hea dboard,  trying   to  get   away  from  hi m.  “Why   is  he       still  here,   Lily?”
                His  voice  isn’t  as  composed   as  it  was  in  the  kitchen.   He’s  rea lly  ang ry
                no w. “He’s in  ever ythi ng. The  magnet  on  the  fridge.  The  journa l in  the

                box I found  in  our closet . The  fucking  tat too on  your body tha t used  to
                be  my favorite  goddamn  par t of you!”
                    He’s on  the  bed  no w.
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