Page 211 - It Ends with Us
P. 211

I   slide   to   the   floor   nea r   the   door,   growing    dizzy.   My   fing ers    are

                sha king   so  ha rd,  it  takes   thre e  tries   to  get   the   password  right   on  my
                pho ne.
                    When     I   ha ve   the   screen   up   to   dial   a   nu mber,   I   pause.    My   firs t
                tho ught   is  to  call  Allysa  and   Marsha ll,  but  I  can’t.  I  can’t  do  tha t  to
                them    right   no w.  She  just  gave  birth  to  a  baby  a  matter  of  ho urs  ago.  I
                can’t do thi s to them.

                    I could call the  police,  but my mind  can’t ev en  proces s wha t all tha t
                ent ails.  I  don’t  want   to  give  a  statem ent .  I  don’t  kno w  tha t  I  want   to
                pres s  charges ,  kno wing   wha t  thi s  could  do  to  hi s  career.  I  don’t  want
                Allysa   mad     at   me.    I   just   don’t   kno w.   I   don’t   complet el y   rule   out
                ev ent ually  no tifying   the   police.   I  just  don’t  ha ve  the   energ y  to  make
                tha t dec ision  right  no w.
                    I squeez e  the  pho ne  and  try to thi nk . My mothe r.

                    I  start  to  dial  her   nu mber,  but  when    I  thi nk   of  wha t  thi s  would  do
                to  her  I  start  to  cry  again.   I  can’t  inv olve  her  in  thi s  mes s.  She’s  been
                thro ugh  too  much.   And   R yle  will  try  to  find   me.   He’l l  go  to  her  firs t.
                Then  Allysa and  Marsha ll. Then  to ev er yone  el se  we  kno w.
                    I   wipe   the   tea rs   from   my   ey es    and    then   beg in   dialing    Atlas’s
                nu mber.

                    I  ha te   mysel f  more   in   thi s  moment   tha n   I  ev er   ha ve   in   my  ent ire
                    I   ha te   mysel f,   bec ause   the   day   R yle   found    Atlas’s   nu mber   in   my
                pho ne,  I lied  and  said I ha d forgotten  it was there.
                    I   ha te   mysel f,   bec ause   the   day   Atlas   placed    hi s   nu mber   there,    I
                opened  it and  looked  at it.
                    I ha te  mysel f, bec ause  deep  down  ins ide,  I knew  there  was a cha nc e

                tha t I might  one  day need  it. So I memorized  it.
                    “Hel lo?”
                    His  voice  is  cautious.  Inq uiring.  He  does n’t  rec ogni ze  thi s  nu mber.
                I  immed iatel y  start  crying   when  he  spea ks.  I  cover  my  mouth  and   try
                to quiet  mysel f.
                    “Lily?” His voice  is much  louder  no w. “Lily, where  are  you?”

                    I hat e myself, becau se he  knows the tear s are mine.
                    “Atlas,” I whi sper. “I need  hel p.”
                    “Where     are  you?”  he  says  again.   I  can  hea r  pani c  in  hi s  voice.   I  can
                hea r  hi m walking , moving  stuff around . I hea r  a door  slam on  hi s end
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