Page 198 - It Ends with Us
P. 198

He   smiles    and    no ds   hi s   hea d.   “She’s   so   ex cited ,   Lily.   I’ve   been

                thi nk ing   about  get ting   an   apartment   here      for  a  whi le   no w.  After   we
                dec ided    to   stay   in   Boston   for   good,    I   just   went    ahea d   with   it   to
                surprise    you.   She   hel ped ,   but   I   was   starting    to   worr y   she’d    tel l   you
                bef ore  I ha d the  cha nc e. ”
                    I just can’t wrap my hea d around  thi s. I live  here?  Me  and  Allysa get
                to  be  nei ghb ors  no w?  I  don’t  kno w  why   I  feel   like  thi s  sho uld  bother

                me,  bec ause  I rea lly am ex cited  about it.
                    He   smiles    and   then   says,   “I   kno w   you   need    a   minu te   to   proces s
                ev er ythi ng , but you ha ven’t seen  the  bes t part and  it’s killing  me. ”
                    “Sho w me! ”
                    He  grins   and   pulls  me  to  my  feet .  We  make  our  way  thro ugh  the
                living    roo m   and   down    a   ha llway.   He   opens    ea ch   door   and    tel ls   me
                wha t   the   rooms    are,    but   does n’t   ev en   give   me   time   to   go   in   any    of

                them.   By  the  time  we  make  it  to  the  master  bed room,  I’ve  conc luded
                tha t we  live  in  a three- bed room, two-bath  apartment . Wi th  an  offic e.
                    I  don’t  ev en  ha ve  time  to  proces s  the  bea uty  of  the  bed room  as  he
                pulls  me  across  the  room.  He  rea ches   a  wall  covered   by  a  curtain  and
                he  turns   and   faces   me.   “It’s  not  a  ground   tha t  you  can  plant   a  garden
                in,   but  with  a  few   pots,  it  can  come  close. ”  He  pulls  the  curtain  aside

                and    opens    a   door,   rev ea ling    a   hu ge   balcony.   I   follow   hi m   outside,
                alrea dy daydrea ming  about all the  potted  plant s I could fit  up here.
                    “It   overl ooks   the   same   view    as   the   rooftop   dec k,”   he   says.   “We’l l
                always ha ve  the  same  view  we  ha d from the  ni ght  we  met .”
                    It took a whi le  to sink  in,  but it all hi ts me  in  thi s moment  and  I just
                start   crying .   R yle   pulls   me   to   hi s   ches t   and    wraps   hi s   arms   tight ly
                around     me.    “Lily,”   he   whi spers ,   runni ng    hi s   ha nd    over   my   ha ir.   “I

                didn’t mea n  to make  you cry.”
                    I  laugh   bet ween    my  tea rs.  “I  just  can’t  bel iev e   I  live   here .”   I  pull
                away  from  hi s  ches t  and   look  up  at  hi m.  “Are  we  rich?  How  can  you
                afford thi s?”
                    He    laughs .    “You     marri ed     a   neu rosurgeo n,      Lily.   You    aren’ t
                nec es sarily strapped  for cash. ”

                    His   comment       makes    me    laugh   and    then   I   cry   some   more.    And
                then   we  ha ve  our  ver y  firs t  visitor  bec ause  someo ne  beg ins   pound ing
                on  the  door.
                    “Allysa,” he  says. “She’s been  waiting  down  the  ha ll.”
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