Page 197 - It Ends with Us
P. 197

I   look   in   the   living    room   at   the   cathed ral   cei ling s   and    the   hu ge

                wind ows overl ooking  Boston  Harbor.
                    “Lily?” he  says from behi nd  me.  “You aren’ t mad, are  you?”
                    I  spin  and   face  hi m,  rea lizing   tha t  he’s  been  waiting   on  me  to  rea ct
                for the  past sev era l minu tes . But I’m complet el y speec hl es s.
                    I   sha ke   my   he ad   and    bring    my   ha nd    up   to   cover   my   mouth.    “I
                don’t thi nk  so,” I whi sper.

                    He   walks   up   to   me   and    takes    my   ha nd s   in   hi s,   pulling    them    up
                bet ween     us.   “You   don’t   thi nk   so?”   He   looks   worri ed    and    conf used .
                “Plea se  give  me  a  na ked   truth,  bec ause  I’m  starting   to  thi nk   maybe  I
                sho uldn’t ha ve  done  thi s as a surprise. ”
                    I   look   down   at   the   ha rdwood     floor.   It’s   rea l   ha rdwood.   It’s   no t
                lamina te.   “Okay,”  I  say,  looking   back  up  at  hi m.  “I  thi nk   it’s  crazy  tha t
                you  just  went   and   bought   an  apartment   witho ut  me.   I  fee l  like  tha t’s

                somet hi ng  we  sho uld ha ve  done  toget her.”
                    He’s  no dding   and   it  looks  like    he’s  about  to  spit  out  an     apology,
                but I’m no t fini shed .
                    “But  my  na ked  truth  is  tha t  .  .  .  it’s  per fec t.  I  don’t  ev en  know  wha t
                to  say,  R yle.   Ever ythi ng   is  so  clea n.   I’m  scared   to  move.   I  might   get
                somet hi ng  dirty.”

                    He   blows    out   a   rush   of   air   and    pulls   me   to   hi m.   “You   can   get    it
                dirty, babe.  It’s yours. You can  get  it as dirty as you want .”  He  kisses  the
                side  of  my  hea d  and   I  don’t  even  say  tha nk   you  yet .  It  seem s  like  such
                a small res pons e  to such  a hu ge  ges ture.
                    “When d     o we  move  in?”
                    He  shru gs.  “Tomorro w?  I  ha ve  the       day  off.  It’s  no t  like  we  ha ve  a
                who le    lot   of   stuff.   We   can   spend    the   nex t   few    week s   buying    new

                furni ture. ”
                    I   no d,   trying    to   run   thro ugh   tomorro w’s   sched ule   in   my   hea d.   I
                alrea dy    knew    R yle   was   off   tomorro w,     so   I   didn’t   ha ve   any thi ng
                planned .
                    I  suddenl y  feel   the   need   to  sit  down.   There    aren’ t  any   cha irs,  but
                luckily, the  floor is clea n.  “I ne ed  to sit down. ”

                    R yle  he lps  me  to  the   floor  and  then      he   lowers   hi msel f  in  front   of
                me,  still ho lding  my ha nd s.
                    “Does  Allysa kno w?” I ask hi m.
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