Page 195 - It Ends with Us
P. 195

face  in  hi s ha nd s and  he  said, “I told you I want ed  to be  the  bes t in  my

                fiel d,  Lily.  I  told  you  thi s  the  firs t  ni ght   we  ev er  met .  It  was  one  of  my
                na ked    truths .   But   if   I   ha ve   to   cho ose   bet ween   working    at   the   bes t
                ho spital in  the  world and making  my wife  ha ppy . . . I cho ose  you. You
                are   my   succes s.   As   long    as   you’re   ha ppy,   I   don’t   care   where   I   work.
                We’l l stay in  Boston. ”
                    Tha t’s   when    I   knew    tha t   I   had   made   the   right    cho ice.    Ever yone

                des er ves  ano ther  cha nc e.  Espec ially the  peo ple  who  mea n  the  most to
                    It’s  been   a  wee k  sinc e  tha t  fig ht   and   he  ha sn’t  ment ioned   moving
                again.  I feel  bad, like  I thw arted  hi s plans  in  some  way, but marri age  is
                about    compromise.       It’s   about   doing    wha t’s   bes t   for   the   couple   as   a
                who le,  no t ind ividually. And  staying  in  Boston  is bet ter  for ev er yone  in
                both  of our families .

                    Spea king   of  families ,  I  look  over  at  my  pho ne  right   as  a  tex t  from
                Allysa comes  thro ugh.
                    Allysa: Are you fin ished up at work yet? I need your opinion on furniture.
                    Me: Be there in fif teen minutes.
                    I don’t kno w if it’s the  impend ing  del iver y or  the  fact tha t she’s no t

                current ly    working ,   but   I’m   pret ty   sure   I’ve   spent    more   time   at   her
                ho use  thi s  week   tha n  I  ha ve  at  my  own.   I  close  up  the  sho p  and   hea d
                toward her  apartment .

                                                           •  •  •

                When     I  step   off  the   el ev ator,  there’ s  a  no te   taped   to  her   apartment
                door. I see  my na me  written  across it, so I pull it off the  door.

                Li ly,

                    On  the  seventh  floor. Apar tment 749.

                    She   has   an   ap ar tment  he re  just  for  extra  furniture?  I  kno w  they ’re  rich,
                but  ev en  tha t  seems   a  little  exces sive  for  them .  I  get   on  the   el ev ator

                and   pres s  the   button    for  the   sev ent h   floor.  When    the   doors  open,   I
                hea d  down  the  ha ll  toward  apartment   749.  When           I  rea ch  it,  I  ha ve  no
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