Page 201 - It Ends with Us
P. 201
been chosen when a rep orter for the paper called me last week and
asked me a seri es of ques tions .
The title rea ds “Be st new businesses in Bo ston. Votes are in for your top
I smile and almost spill my coffee when R yle pulls me in, picks me
up, and spins me around .
He said he had three piec es of new s, and if he started with tha t
one, I ha ve no idea wha t the other two could be. “Wha t’s the sec ond
thi ng ?”
He set s me back down on my feet and says, “I started with the bes t
one. I was too ex cited .” He takes a sip of hi s coffee and then says, “I
got sel ec ted for the traini ng at Cambridge. ”
My face is taken over by a hu ge smile. “You did?” He no ds and then
he hu gs me and spins me around again. “I’m so proud of you,” I say,
kissing hi m. “We’re both so succes sful, it’s sickeni ng .”
He laughs .
“Number three?” I ask hi m.
He pulls back. “Oh, yea h. Number three. ” He casually lea ns agains t
the count er and takes a slow sip of hi s coffee. He gent ly places hi s
coffee back on the count er. “Allysa is in labor.”
“Wha t?!” I yel l.
“Yea h. ” He no ds toward our coffees . “Tha t’s why I brought you
caffei ne. We aren’ t get ting any sleep toni ght .”
I start clapping , jumping up and down, and then pani cking as I try
to find my purse, my jacket , my key s, my pho ne, the light switch. Right
bef ore we make it to the door, R yle rushes back to the count er and
grabs the new spaper and tucks it und er hi s arm. My ha nd s are
sha king with ex citem ent as I lock the door.
“We’re gonna be aunt s!” I say as I run to my car.
R yle laughs at my joke and says, “Uncles, Lily. We’re gonna be
• • •
Marsha ll calmly step s out int o the ha llway. R yle and I both perk up
and wait for the new s. It’s been quiet in there for the past ha lf an
ho ur. We’v e been waiting to hea r Allysa screa m in agony —a sign she