Page 282 - It Ends with Us
P. 282
no matter ho w many good moment s she might sha re with R yle
thro ugho ut he r lifet ime, I know from ex peri enc e tha t it would onl y
be the worst ones tha t stuck with her.
Cycles ex ist bec ause they are ex cruciating to brea k. It takes an
astrono mical amount of pain and courage to disrupt a familiar
pattern. Somet imes it seems ea sier to just keep runni ng in the same
familiar circles , rather tha n facing the fea r of jumping and possibly
no t land ing on your feet .
My mother went thro ugh it.
I went thro ugh it.
I’ll be damned if I allow my daught er to go thro ugh it.
I kiss her on the forehea d and make her a promise. “It stops here.
Wi th me and you. It end s with us.”