Page 286 - It Ends with Us
P. 286
Thi s time when he turns , he turns with purpose. His ey es meet
mine and there’ s a three- sec ond pause whi le we both stare at ea ch
other. But then we both start walking toward ea ch other,
det ermi na tion in ev er y step . Twent y step s sep arate us.
Nei ther of us takes tha t fina l step .
I’m out of brea th, pant ing and ner vous. “I forgot to tel l you
Emers on’s middle na me. ” I put my ha nd s on my hi ps and ex ha le. “It’s
He doesn’t immed iatel y rea ct, but then hi s ey es crink le a little in
the corners . His mouth twitches like he’s forcing back a smile. “Wha t
a per fec t na me for her.”
I no d, and smile, and then stop.
I’m no t sure wha t to do no w. I just need ed hi m to kno w tha t, but
no w tha t I’ve told hi m, I didn’t rea lly thi nk of wha t I’d do or say nex t.
I no d again, and then glanc e around me, thro wing a thu mb over
my sho ulder. “Wel l . . . I gues s I’ll . . .”
Atlas steps for ward, grabs me, and pulls me ha rd agains t hi s ches t. I
immed iatel y close my ey es when he wraps hi s arms around me. His
ha nd goes up to the back of my hea d and he ho lds me still agains t
hi m as we stand, surro und ed by busy street s, blasts of ho rns , peo ple
brushi ng us as they pass in a hu rr y. He pres ses a gent le kiss int o my
ha ir, and all of tha t fades away.
“Lily,” he says quiet ly. “I feel like my life is good eno ugh for you
no w. So whenev er you’re rea dy . . .”
I clenc h hi s jacket in my ha nd s and keep my face pres sed tight
agains t hi s ches t. I suddenl y feel like I’m fif teen again. My nec k and
cheek s flush from hi s words.
But I’m not fif teen.
I’m an adult with res pons ibilities and a chi ld. I can’t just allow my
teena ge feel ing s to take over. Not witho ut a little rea ssuranc e, at lea st.
I pull back and look up at hi m. “Do you dona te to cha rity?”
Atlas laughs with conf usion. “Sev era l. Why ?”
“Do you want kids somed ay?”
He no ds. “Of course I do.”