Page 283 - It Ends with Us
P. 283
I push thro ugh the crowds of Boylston Street unt il I get to the cross
street . I pull the stroller to a crawl and then stop at the ed ge of the
curb. I pull the top of it back and look down at Emmy. She’s kicking
her feet and smiling like usual. She’s a ver y ha ppy baby. She ha s a
calm energ y about her and it’s addictive.
“How old is she?” a woman asks. She’s stand ing at the crosswalk
with us, staring down at Emers on apprec iativel y.
“Elev en mont hs .”
“She’s gorgeo us,” she says. “Looks just like you. Ident ical mouths .”
I smile. “Tha nk you. But you sho uld see her father. She defini tel y
ha s hi s ey es .”
The sign flashes to walk, and I try to bea t the crowd as we rush
across the street . I’m alrea dy half an ho ur late and R yle ha s tex ted me
twice. He ha sn’t ex peri enc ed the joy of carro ts yet , tho ugh. He’l l find
out today just ho w mes sy they are, bec ause I packed plent y in her bag.
I moved out of the apartment R yle bought when Emers on was
three mont hs old. I got my own place closer to my work so I’m withi n
walking distanc e, whi ch is great. R yle moved back int o the apartment
he bought , but bet ween visiting Allysa’s place and R yle’s days with
Emers on, I feel like I’m still at thei r apartment building almost as
much as I’m at mine.
“Almost there, Emmy.” We make a right around the corner and I’m
in such a rush, a man ha s to step out of our way and int o the wall just
to avoid bei ng plowed over. “Sorr y,” I mutter, ducking my hea d and
making my way around hi m.
I stop.
I turn slowly, bec ause I fel t tha t voice all the way to my toes . There
are onl y two voices tha t ha ve ev er done tha t to me, and R yle’s does n’t
rea ch tha t far any more.