Page 285 - It Ends with Us
P. 285

I  no d  again  and  then     duck  my  hea d  and   cont inu e  walking .  I  ha ve

                no   idea   why   I’m  rea cting   thi s  way.  Like   I  don’t  kno w  ho w  to  ho ld  a
                no rmal  conv er sation.   When       I’m  sev era l  yards  away,  I  glanc e  back  over
                my sho ulder. He  ha sn’t moved . He’s still watchi ng  me  as I walk away.
                    We  round   the  corner      and   I  see  R yle  waiting   bes ide  hi s  car  outside
                the  floral  sho p.  His  face  light s  up  when  he  sees   us  approachi ng .  “Did
                you get  my em ail?” He  kneel s down  and  beg ins  to uns trap Emers on.

                    “Yea h,  about the  playpen  rec all?”
                    He  no ds  as  he   pulls  her   out  of  the   stroller.  “Didn’t  we  buy  one     of
                tho se  for her?”
                    I  pres s  the  buttons   to  fold  the  stroller  and   then  walk  it  to  the  back
                of   hi s   car.   “Yeah,    but   it   broke   like   a   mont h   ago.   I   threw    it   in   the
                    He    pops   the   trunk ,   and    then   touches     Emers on’s     chi n   with   hi s

                fing ers . “Did you hea r  tha t, Emmy? Your  mommy saved  your  life. ”  She
                smiles   up  at  hi m  and   slaps  playfully  at  hi s  ha nd .  He  kisses   her  on  the
                forehea d  and   then      picks  up  her    stroller   and   tosses   it  in   the   trunk .  I
                slam the  trunk  shu t and  lea n  over  to give  her  a quick kiss.
                    “Love  you, Emmy. See  you tonight .”
                    R yle   opens    the   back   door   to   put   her   in   the   car   sea t.   I   tel l   hi m

                goodbye  and  then  I start to hea d back down  the  street  in  a rush.
                    “Lily!” he  yel ls. “Where a    re  you going ?”
                    I’m   sure   he   ex pec ted    me   to   walk   to   the   front    door   of   my   store,
                sinc e  I’m  alread y  late  openi ng   it.  I  probably  sho uld,  but  the  na gging
                in   my   gut   won’t   go   away.   I   need    to   do   somet hi ng    about   it.   I   spin
                around   and   walk  backward.  “There’ s  somet hi ng   I  forgot  to  do!  I’ll  see
                you when  I pick her  up toni ght !”

                    R yle  lifts  Emers on’s  ha nd   and   they   wave  goodbye  to  me.   As  soon  as
                I  round   the   corner,  I  brea k  out  int o  a  sprint .  I  dodge  peo ple,   bump
                int o  a  few   and   cause  one  lady  to  curse  at  me,   but  it’s  all  worth  it  the
                moment  I see  the  back of hi s hea d.
                    “Atlas!”   I   yel l.   He’s   hea ding    in   the   other   direc tion,    so   I   keep
                pushi ng  thro ugh  the  crowd. “Atlas!”

                    He   stops  walking   but  he     doesn’t  turn     around .  He    cocks  hi s  hea d
                like  he  does n’t want  to fully trust hi s ea rs.
                    “Atlas!” I yel l again.
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